facile 基本解释
形容词轻率作出的; 不动脑筋的; 轻易可得的
facile 相关例句
1. She has a facile tongue.
2. That is only a facile answer.
facile 网络解释
1. 容易的,流畅的25 remiss 疏忽的 | 26 facile 容易的,流畅的 | 27 intangible 无形的
2. 青而易举的,随和的efficient 有能力,有效的 | facile 青而易举的,随和的 | facilitate 使容易
3. 容易的retaliation 报复 | facile 容易的 | tactile触觉的
4. 温和的facies 面容 | facile 温和的 | facilely 轻易地
facile 双语例句
1. facile是什么意思
1. Special ring retainer design, sensitively optical mouse, facile shape design, you can type with this mouse.
2. The leafstalk and stem are facile induced to relaxed callis, and it could be the original of suspension culture by subculture many times. Its content of resveratol is influenced by the different parts of plant and culture condition.
3. New contributions of this work are as follows:(1). Preparation of Spherical MgCl_2-Supported Late-Transition Metal Catalysts for Ethylene Polymerization Facile and effective immobilization of late-transition metal catalysts. 2, 3-bis-(2, 6-diisopropylphenyl) butane diimine nickel dibromide (1) and 2, 6-bis-[1-(2, 4, 6-trimethylphenylimino)ethyl]pyridine iron dichloride (2), for ethylene polymerization has been achieved, using spherical MgCl_2 supports obtained by thermal dealcoholization of MgCl_2·2.56C_2H_5OH, and the effects of dealcoholization temperature on supported late-transition metal catalysts and the properties of resultant polymers were studied, the results indicated that: 1.Supports with appropriate mechanical strength, high surface area and high porosity could be prepared by thermal dealcoholization of spherical MgCl_2·2.56C_2H_5OH supports; 2.BET, XRD, IR, SEM, GPC and DSC analyses indicate that the activities of the supported late-transition metal catalysts and the properties of resultant polymers are strongly dependent on the dealcoholization temperature.
本工作的新贡献如下(1)、球形氯化镁负载后过渡金属催化荆催化乙烯聚合本文将配合物2,3-双(2,6-二异丙基苯亚胺)丁烷二溴化镍(1)和配合物2,6-二[1-(2,4,6-三甲基苯亚胺)乙基]吡啶二氯化铁(2)分别直接负载于经不同热脱醇温度处理的球形氯化镁载体上,研究了氯化镁载体的脱醇温度对负载化后过渡金属催化剂及其聚合物的影响,研究表明1、通过对球形MgCl_2·2.56C_2H_5OH载体进行热脱醇处理,可以获得合适机械强度、较高比表面积和较高孔隙度的球形氯化镁载体; 2、BET,XRD,IR,SEM,GPC和DSC研究表明,脱醇温度极大地影响负载后过渡金属催化剂的活性和聚合物的性能。
4. facile的近义词
4. The beauty of a woman is not in a facile mode, but the true beaty in a woman is reflected in her soul.
5. Silver mirror reaction is used as a facile method to synthesize nano-silver surface with uniform wettability.
6. facile在线翻译
6. Part Ⅲ: Using the Reformasky reaction, hydrogenation reduction and the following Grinard reaction as key step, A Facile Synthesis of four natural bisabolane sesquiterpenes, Curcuphenol, Curcudiol, Curcuquinone and Curcuhydroquinone was described.
7. A noveland facile divergent method for the synthesis of the enantioenriched-β-adrenergicblocking agents was developed from the enantiopure-2, 3-epoxypropylamine 4 asthe general intermediate.
8. A facile synthetic method of copper complexes was provided.
9. facile
9. SRAP combines simplicity, reliability, moderate through-put ratio and facile sequencing of selected bands and have been applied in map construction, comparative genetics, genetic diversity and gene mapping.
10. Then uprose smooth-tongued Nestor, the facile speaker of the Pylians, and the words fell from his lips sweeter than honey.
11. facile
11. The intercalation of ethylamine, butylamine, hexylamine and octylamine is more facile than that of dodecylamine and hexadecylamine, and the layered structure of the former intercalates is more ordered displaying a more intense and symmetrical (001) peak in their XRD patterns.
12. In this field he is facile princeps, and has left all competitors behind.
13. The kids who got prasised for these qualities tended to be the best dull-witted prize bulls, and at worst facile schmoozers.
14. This discovery has enabled us to develop a facile approach to large-scale production of aqueous graphene dispersions without the need for polymeric or surfactant stabilizers.
这发现已经使我们能没有需求发展一向大规模的生产水的 graphene 分散易做到的靠近为聚合的或者表面活性剂稳定者。
15. Thenumerical examples and experiments verify the methods are reliable and facile. The new method for diagnosis and prognosis of incipient small crack can beapplied to engineering practice effectively.
16. In this dissertation, the reactions studied under microwave irradiation coupled with dry reaction conditions are as follows:(1) A convenient synthesis of 5-benzylidene-2, 4-thiazolidinediones with piperidine-acetic acid as catalysts by Knoevenagel condensation of aromatic aldehydes and 2, 4-thiazolidinedione without solvent; (2) A facile and clean synthesis of 5-benzylidene-2, 4-thiazolidinediones by Knoevenagel condensation of aromatic aldehydes and 2, 4-thiazolidinedione on KF-Al〓O〓; (3) Synthesis of aminopyridines by cross-coupling reaction of halopyridines and amines on KF/Al〓O〓.
17. Objective: To develop a facile method for the preparation of β- amino acid enantiomers.
18. Based on strategy of look-ahead, this paper put forward a facile and effective searching algorithm named NSL algorithm to make decision in the process of the control system construction, thus fetches up the insufficiency of the existing survival control system and enhances survivability of the distributed system to a certain extent.
19. Such facile pluralism tends to numb the habit of vigorously contesting other people`s beliefs-of calling them arrant nonsense or unmitigated garbage, for example.
20. MUSICIAN: Well, there's more potential for you as a young, facile guitarist to change and grow.
facile 词典解释
1. (主张、建议)肤浅的,粗浅的,轻率的
If you describe someone's arguments or suggestions as facile, you are criticizing them because their ideas are too simple and indicate a lack of careful, intelligent thinking.
e.g. The subject of racism is admittedly too complex for facile summarization.
facile 单语例句facile
1. Comparisons to " The Lion King " are inevitable but also facile.
2. The argument against vaccination is that once vaccinated, they can't tell if they have the disease or not a facile argument.
facile 英英释义
1. expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively
e.g. able to dazzle with his facile tongue
silver speech
Synonym: eloquentfluentsilversilver-tonguedsmooth-spoken
2. performing adroitly and without effort
e.g. a facile hand
3. arrived at without due care or effort
lacking depth
e.g. too facile a solution for so complex a problem
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