incompatible 基本解释
形容词不相容; 矛盾,不能成立的; (与某物)不匹配; [医]配伍禁忌的
incompatible 相关例句
1. His plan is incompatible with my own intentions.
2. incompatible的翻译
2. His plan is incompatible with my intentions.
3. Late hours are incompatible with health.
4. Discrimination is incompatible with democratic principles.
incompatible 网络解释
1. 不亲和的6.质粒的不亲和性(incompatibility) 如果将一种类型的质粒通过接合或其他方式(如转化)导人某一合适的但已含另一种质粒的宿主细胞,只经少数几代后,大多数子细胞只含有其中一种质粒,那么这两种质粒便是不亲和的(incompatible),它们不能共存于同
2. 相容的存款保险制度所提供的一些错误的或不相容的(Incompatible)激励导致的逆淘汰主要有:3. 存款保险制度救助危机银行所产生的示范效应会加剧银行间的恶性竞争和增加银行的风险偏好度,一方面高息吸储,另一方面盲目经营,挤占市场份额.
incompatible 双语例句
1. It is relative lagging of enterprises whole management level with its incompatible one, especially salary management.
2. Objective To investigate the effect of ABO-incompatible liver transplantation on patients with acute hepatic failure.
目的 探讨ABO血型不合的肝移植治疗急性肝功能衰竭的疗效。
3. Business affairs is confronted with intimidate and safety hidden trouble of no-well-meaning s information, and it is more rifeness that incompatible among these basal establishments in network.
4. incompatible
4. Finally, testing proves that the model is supported by language phenomena. The operation process of the model is not incompatible with that of the neural network. Therefore the model is operational.
5. Thirdly, by means of distinguishing its features, in accordance with thesetup rule, with the aboved feature of society, economy, environment, logistics industry andsystem and network, and so on, in order to achieve sustainable development as target, throughfour angles as society, economy, environment, logistics industry, select 8 index to establish it, moreover, use the AHP law obtain their weight, besides, by analyzing incompatible problembetween index and method, existed in traditional methods, in accordance with principle andfeature of extension synthesis assessment method, evaluate and optimate logistics centerplanning schemes and get an accurate result in the practical example.
6. The leading rootstock is trifoliate orange. It is incompatible with the scions during the late period, and it has not the resistances of deep and harden soil, saility soil and the dramatical and huge change in the air temperature, and it is infected with exocortis, dam ping-off, bacterial wilt and fire blight easily.
7. XML solves the problem of format unmatchable and transportation incompatible between all kinds of application programme. And a series of standards for web service such as SOAP, WSDL and UDDI become more and more mature. This makes the web service based solution becoming a kind of competitive solution. Web services discovery technology is an important part of web service system architecture. UDDI is one of solutions among the web service discovery technologies.
基于XML技术的Web Service,解决了各种应用之间的数据传输不兼容和格式不统一等问题,并且Web Service的一系列配套标准SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol,简单对象访问协议)、WSDL(Web Services Description Language,Web服务描述语言)和UDDI(Universal Description Discovery and Integration,统一描述、发现和集成)越来越成熟,这使得基于Web Service的解决方案成为一种极具竞争力的方案。
8. He began to see his literary interest as incompatible with Orthodox Judaism and began to practice a more moderate Conservative Judaism.
9. Tickles of sweat rained about at night, there had no sun and the cool air of the spring nights as I strolled through deserted lanes in the small hours was not so incompatible wit the shabby padded gown that was nit my only wear.
10. There are many similarities of the REE distribution patterns and incompatible element patterns between the enclave and the host rock (subvolcanic porphyric granodiorite).
11. Our company is not willing to accept cargo that is incompatible with your samples.
12. incompatible的翻译
12. It's either very old or in some way incompatible with modern software?
13. His plan is incompatible with my own intentions.
14. His plan is incompatible with my intentions.
15. Is incompatible with is I, world.
16. incompatible
16. Transgenic NahG and Col, Shakh-dara, Nd-1, WS-2 and Kas-1 ecotypes were all compatible to Sphaerotheca cucurbitae, Alternaria porri, Erysiphe cucurbitacearum and Alternaria solani. her ecotype was incompatible to Alternaria porri and Alternaria solani. C24, Est-1, Ws-0 and Bay-0 ecotypes were all incompatible to Sphaerotheca cucurbitae, Alternaria porri, Erysiphe cucurbitacearum and Alternaria solani.
17. incompatible的近义词
17. Yuanjialuozhai incompatible rival, friendship and play a clever, smooth passage of this adventure trip return to the small owners are around? .
18. incompatible什么意思
18. The Emeishan basalt in the Later Paleozoic was typical continental flood basalt and its source also contained EM Ⅱ component. The subduction of paleo-Tethys Ocean Plate provided essential dynamic condition for the large-scale opening of Panxi Rift, while the mantle plume supplied much material for Emeishan basalt. However, the plume was contaminated by the metasomatized continental mantle lithosphere in its upwelling process, which resulted in the Sr isotopic and incompatible elemental enrichment, and the Nd isotope kept down the weak-depleted character of mantle plume.
19. METHODS: Eleven adult patients who underwent incompatible LDLT were enrolled in this study.
20. incompatible是什么意思
20. But things that are pleasant and conducive to health or vigour he desires in a moderate way, as is right, and other pleasant things as well, as long as they are not incompatible with health or vigour, contrary to what is noble, or beyond his means.
incompatible 词典解释
1. 不能和谐相处的;不协调的;不一致的
If one thing or person is incompatible with another, they are very different in important ways, and do not suit each other or agree with each other.
e.g. They feel strongly that their religion is incompatible with the political system...
e.g. His behavior has been incompatible with his role as head of state...
Incompatibility between the mother's and the baby's blood groups may cause jaundice.
2. 不兼容的;不相容的;互斥的
If one type of computer or computer system is incompatible with another, they cannot use the same programs or be linked up together.
e.g. This made its mini-computers incompatible with its mainframes...
e.g. Many institutions exchange information by hand because of incompatible computer systems.
incompatible 单语例句
1. There is no basis for Taiwan authorities to cling to practices incompatible with WTO rules.
2. The official conceded that China's current individual income taxation system has exposed some problems which are " incompatible with the economic growth ".
3. They are incompatible with each other, and neither plays on older DVD players.
4. It's a deeply entrenched political myth - especially in the US - that globalization and active welfare states are incompatible.
5. The ministry said it was expelling three other unnamed embassy staff, adding that they were carrying out activities that were incompatible with their diplomatic status.
6. Obviously, prevention of inflation and the pursuit of high economic growth are incompatible for the present.
7. The seemingly incompatible mixture is a new trend designed to attract another generation of devotees, writes Susan Zheng.
8. Holistic education has given birth to a large group of talented youngsters with marked individuality once taken as incompatible with traditional Chinese values.
9. Using the terms " jihad " and " holy war ", the Pope said violence was " incompatible with the nature of God ".
10. Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan told reporters that it is incompatible with his country's position.
incompatible的解释incompatible 英英释义
1. not compatible
e.g. incompatible personalities
incompatible colors
2. incapable of being used with or connected to other devices or components without modification
3. used especially of solids or solutions
incapable of blending into a stable homogeneous mixture
4. not suitable to your tastes or needs
e.g. the uncongenial roommates were always fighting
the task was uncongenial to one sensitive to rebuffs
Synonym: uncongenial
5. not in keeping with what is correct or proper
e.g. completely inappropriate behavior
Synonym: inappropriateout or keeping(p)unfitting
6. not compatible with other facts
Synonym: discrepant
7. used especially of drugs or muscles that counteract or neutralize each other's effect
Synonym: antagonistic
8. not easy to combine harmoniously
Synonym: ill-sortedmismatedunsuited
9. of words so related that one contrasts with the other
e.g. `rich' and `hard-up' are contrastive terms
Synonym: contrastive
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