过去式exchanged; 过去分词exchanged;
现在分词exchanging; 复数形式exchanges;
exchange 基本解释
名词交换; 交易所; 交易; 兑换(率)
及物动词兑换; 交换,互换; 交换,调换
不及物动词交换,替换; 进行易货贸易,作物物交换; [金融业](货币)交换,兑换
exchange 相关例句
1. I'd like to exchange some pounds for dollars.
2. exchange什么意思
2. She didn't really like the hat, but it couldn't be exchanged.
3. John exchanged gifts with Mary.
1. An exchange of opinions is helpful.
2. He gave me an apple in exchange for a cake.
exchange 情景对话
AI’d like to (return it/ exchange it/ get my money back), please.
BO.K. Do you have your receipt?
ACan you change American dollars into French Francs?
BYes. How much do you want?
AFifty dollars. What is the exchange rate today?
只换50 美元。今天的汇率多少?
BOne dollar to five Francs. Is that all right?
1 美元对5 法郎。可以吗?
AYes, please. And you can cash my traveler’s check, can’t you?
BOf course, we can.
AI want to be here tomorrow. What is your business hour?
B10 o’clock in the morning to 2 o’clock in the afternoon.
上午10 点至下午2 点。
AThank you.
BNot at all.
Exchanges and Returns-(换货和退货)
AHi, there’s a problem with this stereo. I’d like to return it, please.
BWhat’s the problem?
AThe tape player doesn’t work.
BO.K. Do you have your receipt?
AYes, here you are.
BThank you. Do you want your money back, or would you like to exchange it?
AI think I’d like to just get another stereo, please.
BO.K. Here’s a receipt for store credit. Just take it back to the stereo section and one of our salesmen will help you.
AThanks a lot.
BNo problem. Thank you.
exchange 网络解释
1. 兌換银行,还要对银行系统相关词汇有所了解. 银行(bank)是负责货币流通的机构,主要业务有:存款(deposit),汇款(remittance),兑换(exchange),外币(foreign currency),汇率(rate),信用卡(
2. exchange的解释
2. 换钱就说一个简单到利, 如果欧洲欧洲隔了, 对中国的压力在世贸组织(OMC)很有好处.还有其它好处,象, 自由贸易, 换钱(exchange) 等等...还不说到这个地缘政治....对美国和欧洲, 中美欧, 中国和非洲, 很多的好处.就说一个简单道理,
3. exchangeex; 交换局
4. exchangeexch; 交换,交换机
5. exchangex; 交换
6. exchange的意思
6. exchangeexc; 交换利益
exchange 双语例句
1. In this paper, the interface is consisting of two parts: Exchange and Transaction.
2. Article 30 As for the account of a foreign currency entity card, funds shall be deposited by means of transferring from the foreign exchange account of the entity, and no foreign currency banknote may be deposited or withdrawn within the borders of China.
3. We confirm the range of losing index of monetary policy and exchange rate by analysis.
4. exchange
4. International trade is the exchange of goods and services between countries.
5. The amino acids on amphoteric ion exchange fiber are easy to be eluted and a small amount of elution reagent is there for needed.
6. The separation properties of amino acids mixtures on the new products of strong acid ion exchange fiber PP-g-St-SO3H and amphoteric ion exchange fiber PP-g-4VP-SOH3 prepared by us were investigated and compared with that on relative ion exchange resin.
7. This paper was overviewed on preparing chelating, weak acid, weak alkali and amphoteric ion exchange fiber based on polyacrylonitrile, and analyzed the advantage and disadvantage of the preparaing methods and also prospected its development.
8. However the spontaneity of credit money system is not mature, and this un-maturity lead to the collapse of itself in 1930s, and this collapse of money system made the system of division of labor which take money as its exchange medium can not continue to work.
9. The total foreign exchange quota for overseas investment is increased from USD 3.3 billion to USD 5 billion.
增加境外投资的用汇额度,总额度从目前的33 亿美元增加至50 亿美元。
10. Using economical principles, this article analyses the cause of environment pollution and economics countermeasures, studies the exchange theories of pollutant discharge quota and optimization mechanism of market, and the feasibility of building exchange market is explained.
11. In their applications, enterprises shall enumerate the financial budget, inventory and quota of foreign exchange allocated for the research and development center, and submit audited financial statements for the previous year.
12. The commercial banks shall present to the State Administration of Foreign Exchange the application letter and the approval document of the People's Bank of China to apply for the quota of foreign exchange in gold import.
13. Where the quota of foreign exchange use specified in the Confirmation of Domestic-Funded or Foreign-Funded Projects Encouraged by the State for Development is in a currency different from that used in the actual import transaction
14. There is no absolute dollar shortage among emerging economies. They still have massive foreign exchange reserves.
15. exchange的解释
15. The United States currently has more than 300 REIT shares in the Stock Exchange listing.
16. Convertible debenture loan investment 可转换债券贷款投资 convertible release (of 18% currency) Release by Bank member of its 18% currency for lending or relending, with permission granted to the Bank to exchange the 18% currency for the currency of any other member.
17. The stock exchange is very different in that positions are generally maintained over a longer period of time.
18. Besides, the Shopping Arcade, Money Exchange Service, Luggage Deposit, Business Centre, Ticket-booking, Sight-seeing Service and Hotel Management Consultion are for the guests'convenience.
19. Besides, the Shopping Arcade, Money Exchange Service, Luggage Deposit, Business Centre, Ticket-booking, Sight-seeing Service and Hotel Management Consultion are for the guestsconvenience.
20. To use β-naphthalene sulfonic acidformaldehyde condensation product sodium salt and quaternary ammonium salt as raw materials, by the method of ion exchange resin, six kinds of naphthalene sulfonic acidformaldehyde condensation products, corresponded to quaternary cationics with same types of difference structures, have been prepared, Their influences on flowing property of net cement mortar and compression strength have been studied.
萘磺酸甲醛缩合物盐是目前重要的、最常用的水泥混凝土高效减水剂。自 6 0年代初由日本科学家发明以来,国际上对其合成方法和应用性能进行了多方面的研究。,到目前为止,对萘磺酸甲醛缩合物高效减水剂的研究仅限于其钠盐、钙盐等金属盐,其季铵盐尚未见文献报道。
exchange 词典解释
1. 交换;互换
If two or more people exchange things of a particular kind, they give them to each other at the same time.
e.g. We exchanged addresses and Christmas cards...
e.g. The two men exchanged glances...
2. 调换,交换,更换(尤指更好或更令人满意的东西)
If you exchange something, you replace it with a different thing, especially something that is better or more satisfactory.
e.g. ...the chance to sell back or exchange goods...
e.g. If the car you have leased is clearly unsatisfactory, you can always exchange it for another.
3. 短暂的交谈;(常指)口角,争吵
An exchange is a brief conversation, usually an angry one.
e.g. There've been some bitter exchanges between the two groups.
4. 交战;交火
An exchange of fire, for example, is an incident in which people use guns or missiles against each other.
e.g. There was an exchange of fire during which the gunman was wounded...
e.g. This could intensify the risk of a nuclear exchange.
5. (不同国家人们之间的)交流,互访
An exchange is an arrangement in which people from two different countries visit each other's country, to strengthen links between them.
e.g. ...a series of sporting and cultural exchanges with Seoul...
e.g. ...educational exchanges for young people...
6. 交易大厅;交易所
Exchange is used in the names of some places where people used to trade and do business with each other.
e.g. ...the Royal Exchange.
7. 同telephone exchange
The exchange is the same as the telephone exchange .
8. see also: corn exchange;foreign exchange;stock exchange
9. 作为交换
If you do or give something in exchange for something else, you do it or give it in order to get that thing.
e.g. It is illegal for public officials to solicit gifts or money in exchange for favors...
e.g. He paid her a huge salary. In exchange, he was assured of her vote.
exchange 单语例句
1. The goal of the park is to form a sports leisure and entertainment center, as well as a sports business exchange center.
2. Many of these students have already become the backbone force to carry on the cultural exchange and the business intercourse with China.
3. Soaring gold prices and better business management helped boost its profits, the company said in a statement filed with the Shanghai Stock Exchange.
4. The Prime Minister expressed the hope that both countries would exchange parliamentary, business and cultural delegations to further strengthen the relations.
5. Banks welcomed the move which represented fresh business opportunities and the chance to utilize soaring foreign exchange savings deposits more efficiently.
6. With regard to business scope, the Regulations stipulate the scope for business of foreign exchange and RMB.
7. The two sides will also launch a newsletter to facilitate information exchange and business partnership between Guangzhou and Hong Kong software sectors.
8. This exchange also makes business rules for steel transaction, manages the steel market information and regulates the steel trading activities.
9. Wealthier people in Beijing tried all means to get foreign exchange certificates to buy butter, cheese and home appliances such as toasters available only at the Friendship Store.
10. " Overseas companies now can come to China and buy the carbon credit on the exchange, " said Luo.
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