过去式clerked; 过去分词clerked;
现在分词clerking; 复数形式clerks;
clerk 基本解释
名词店员; 书记员; 办事员,职员; 牧师,教士
不及物动词当职员; 当销售员
clerk 相关例句
1. His kid sister clerks in a store.
1. clerk是什么意思
1. She got a job as a bank clerk.
clerk 情景对话
Trading Stamps-(用赠券换东西)
AEvery time I go to the grocery, the clerk asks me if I save stamps.I always say no, but sometimes I get them anyway.
BOh, never turn them down.You can always find someone wholl take them.People spend hours pasting them in little books, and when a book is full.they drive miles to a redemption center where the stamps can be traded for things like pillow cases, or playing cards, or garden tools.
啊,别丢掉它。你总会找到回收赠券的人。 有些人花时间把赠券粘贴在小本子上,当一本贴满后,开几英里的车到回收中心去,在那儿可以用赠券交换像枕头套、扑克牌或修整花园的工具等东西。
ABut you have to save millions of them to get anything worth having.
AId like to check in, please.
BAwfully sorry, sir. There are no rooms available now.
ABut I have reserved a room the day before yesterday.
BSorry. May I have your name?
ATom Wang.
BPlease wait a minute. Let me check. Excuse me, but I cant seem to find your name on our list. Are you sure you have a reservation for tonight?
AOf course, I did it myself.
BIm terribly sorry. There must have been some mistakes. Let me check it again. Oh, yes. There is a name listed as Tom Huang. It must be the fault of the clerk who registered your name. I apologize.
ADont worry about that.
BAccording to the records, your reservation is for a single room with shower and air conditioner for two nights. The room rate will be $110 per night, including 10% tax and 4% service charge. Is it right?
AYes, thats right. Id like to pay my bill by credit card.
BMay I take a print of your card?
AHere you are.
BOK. Now could you fill out this registration card?
AAll right.
BYour room number is 707. Here is your key. The bellhop will help you to carry the suitcases to your room.Have a nice evening.
clerk 网络解释
1. clerk的意思
1. 店员讲述了一对进入30而立还没有到40不惑年龄的一对青年人,两个人是好朋友,形影不离地一起打工10余载,主要是作店员(Clerk)工作,做过杂贷店,而今天是在一家快餐店打工.
2. 职员前文说过,美国的公共图书馆分馆工作人员分为图书馆员(LIBRARIAN),职员(CLERK)和杂工(PAGE)三类,承担不同的工作,职员和杂工归图书馆员管理指导. ,职员和杂工具体工作安排则一般是由职员自己(职员中级别最高的)管理.
3. clerk在线翻译
3. 文员上海尼尔森市场研究有限公司运作文员 (Clerk) 实习生上海尼尔森市场研究有限公司运作文员 (Clerk) 实习生
clerk 双语例句
1. The clerk had a positive and negative effect on the development of the society in Han Dynasty.
2. clerk的解释
2. He kept us waiting three hours and then sent a clerk out to tell us he was too busy and to come back another day. A real slap in the face - the clerk didn't even say sorry! Okay, we'll remember this at election time this fall.
这个市长大人跟他们约定了晤面时间却失信,并且让他们干等了三小时都不陪罪,这里的习习用语a slap in the face是指敌对和轻渎的断然拒绝可能犀利指责。
3. And the Town Clerk made a note of the suggestion.
4. As Anderson was leaving, the town clerk spoke to him.
5. He said with rich acrid utterance to the assistant town clerk.
6. The fee is $10 if you obtain a certified copy from the town or city clerk who issued the license.
7. clerk的反义词
7. Q. Is the shipping clerk in?
8. Louis is working as a mid-level clerk at a shipping firm in London.
9. He was a shipping clerk.
10. I`ve been working as a shipping clerk since last May.
11. clerk的翻译
11. I am looking for a position as assistant shipping clerk.
12. He'd lost his job as a shipping clerk and he had broken his leg chasing a black cat to keep it from crossing his path.
13. The clerk of every church should keep a record of all marriages solemnized in his branch.
14. The restoration of the establishment of the page entry clerk competence.
15. For example, in an order entry system each clerk's user process connects to a dispatcher and each request made by the clerk is sent to that dispatcher, which places the request in the request queue.
16. The next day I and my wife went to Hertz, an entry word, female clerk immediately took the information prepared beforehand out, another young man walked behind our Focus set to open to the door to stop better.
17. A half hour later, ten hoodlum rode the motorcycle to surround the restaurant, drove the kitchen the sales clerk and several customers, afterward has carried on the devastation which in the shop to the Chinese female foreign students sent refers to, wreaks havoc the process is three hours, simultaneously carried on to another two Chinese girls has beaten barbarically.
18. clerk的反义词
18. For you, find a clerk's job is no problem.
19. I'm in Shenzhen now, I'm a clerk.
20. Just then an admitting clerk came back and told me I had five patients waiting to be evaluated.
clerk 词典解释
1. 文书;书记员;办事员
A clerk is a person who works in an office, bank, or law court and whose job is to look after the records or accounts.
e.g. She was offered a job as an accounts clerk with a travel firm.
2. (宾馆、办公室、医院的)接待员
In a hotel, office, or hospital, a clerk is the person whose job is to answer the telephone and deal with people when they arrive.
e.g. ...a hotel clerk.
3. 店员
A clerk is someone who works in a store.
4. 做文书工作;当接待员(或店员等)
To clerk means to work as a clerk.
e.g. Gene clerked at the auction...
e.g. He clerked for the chief justice of the Supreme Court.
clerk 单语例句clerk的近义词
1. Neither described the character of the counter clerk at the China Post, nor my wishes for her future.
2. Xu's nephew is a clerk with the Municipal Cultural Heritage Bureau.
3. Those criticisms intensified when a New York shipping clerk packed himself in a crate and flew undetected to his parents'home in Dallas.
4. A former law clerk who misappropriated his employer's money to pay gambling debts pleaded guilty to four counts of theft at District Court on Monday.
5. Wang claimed that he got the counterfeit money from a clerk working for his company, though police believe he is a runner for a counterfeiting syndicate.
6. A Shanghai plastic surgery hospital is promoting a service it claims can turn an office clerk into a spitting image of a silver screen icon.
7. " Many of our customers want to add diamonds and laces to decorate their dresses nowadays, " said a clerk of a wedding dress shop.
8. A gas station and convenience store clerk in the western Montana logging community of about 300 people said she recognized Duncan after seeing his photo.
9. She does it not because she has no other means of supporting herself, which she does during the day as a clerk at a travel agency.
10. An enterprising policeman in Chongqing municipality cracked a tough bribery case recently by going undercover as a clerk.
clerk 英英释义
1. an employee who performs clerical work (e.g., keeps records or accounts)
2. a salesperson in a store
Synonym: salesclerkshop clerkshop assistant
1. work as a clerk, as in the legal business
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