flagship 基本解释
名词旗舰; 〈比喻〉最重要的一个; 佼佼者
flagship 网络解释
1. 督船(旗舰)torpedo boat 鱼雷艇 | flagship 督船(旗舰) | class 舰级
2. 旗舰系列. Evidenza 典藏系列 | . Flagship 旗舰系列 | . Oposition 奥珀斯系列
3. (报纸产业中的)旗舰flag 报头 | flagship (报纸产业中的)旗舰 | free circulation 免费发行
flagship 双语例句
1. flagship的意思
1. The company's flagship product, IronMail provides a best of breed enterprise anti spam solution designed to stop spam, phishing attacks and other email-based threats.
2. The upgrades, although not cheap at $3690 to $4490, are said to bring those products up to the level of the current flagship, the $13, 500 Wadia 9 Decoding Computer.
3. flagship
3. Howard JohnsonResortSanyaBay is flagship managed by Howard Johnson international hotel Group which is under the banner of Wyndham Worldwide. It is one of the largest coastal resorts in China with a total of 1160 deluxe sea view rooms and 38 first-rate villas.
4. Flying high: China`s flagship airline, Air China, is one of six companies listed on the London Stock Exchange.
5. On the first floor, there are the greatest flagship shop of Louis Francois Cartier in domestic China and the first flagship shop of HUGOBOSS in central China
6. We do so through science, global conservation, education and the management of the world's largest system of urban wildlife parks, led by the flagship Bronx Zoo.
7. We do so through careful science, international conservation, education, and the management of the world`s largest system of urban wildlife parks, led by the flagship Bronx Zoo.
8. flagship
8. We do so through careful science, international conservation, education, and the management of the world`s largest system of urban wildlife parks, led by the flagship bronx zoo.
sSBbWw 这样做是经过 ssbbww 周密的科学,国际自然保育,教育和管理的世界上最大的系统的城市野生动物公园,由旗舰布朗克斯动物园。
9. FCE's flagship show is the main features of its international exhibitors and the huge audience appeal.
10. The flagship of the National Park Service in the world.
11. Beijing as a decoration industry's flagship brands - Beijing habits impression decoration companies, will be consistent to go beyond the expectations of the owners as the goal, China's environmental art to sublimate responsibility, with passion and dreams for the people in power to create the humanities, fashion and Grade way of life.
12. I contacted the Flagship head cheese Bill Roper directly for comment and he has indicated that while they have heard the same rumors they cannot confirm or deny that any code has been lifted from their servers.
13. Business is up 20 percent on last year at Mo Money Pawn, and seven percent at Pawn Central, Jachimek's flagship store.
Mo Money Pawn营业额较去年上升了百分之二十,典当中心作为Jachimek的旗舰店营业额升了百分之七。
14. flagship是什么意思
14. The company's flagship product for the sun block and the steering wheel cover, car cushion, the Ottomans, and other products.
15. Star says it moved its flagship here from Singapore to better exploit demand in Chinese mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong.
16. flagship的反义词
16. What's the storm awaiting the 20 years old Duen-Nan store and the 3.5 years old flagship store to face?
17. The alien mastermind tactician chose Pellaeon's Star Destroyer to be his flagship during his campaign to retake the Core.
18. flagship什么意思
18. It features a plug-in hybrid powertrain and styling cues that strongly point to the next flagship Caddy.
19. Can PROE a more complex three-dimensional parts of the drawing, they used the company's flagship product PROE draw cycloid reducer such as three-dimensional assembly diagram, as well as the explosion diagram.
20. Modular organization; flagship firm; waterfall effect; value innovation
flagship 词典解释
1. 旗舰;(尤指指挥官所在的)主舰
A flagship is the most important ship in a fleet of ships, especially the one on which the commander of the fleet is sailing.
2. 王牌;主打产品;旗舰产品
The flagship of a group of things that are owned or produced by a particular organization is the most important one.
e.g. The hospital has been the government's flagship, leading the health service reforms...
e.g. The company plans to open a flagship store in New York this month.
flagship 单语例句
1. France's Carrefour supermarket chain reopened its flagship Urumqi store yesterday, 17 days after it was forced to close following the July 5 riot.
2. There will also be seven flagship initiatives to catalyze progress under each priority theme, according to Barroso.
3. Bank of Beijing yesterday opened its flagship wealth management center in Beijing.
4. We have recently marked the fifth anniversary of our wholly owned flagship enterprise in China which was established under the CEPA umbrella.
5. Shoppers were able to purchase clothes at the flagship retail chain store ahead of the official launch on Tuesday.
6. The magazine emphasizes the importance of protecting Manchurian tigers, as they are a flagship species with tremendous charisma and great influence on food chains.
7. The commonplace market became Lu's inspiration of designing windows for Hermes flagship store in Beijing for 2008 winter and 2009 summer seasons.
8. The new flagship store boasts 500 sqm of space to display the best of Zegna's couture collection of menswear and travel accessories.
9. She said China cannot become green by just focusing on building flagship energy efficient buildings such as the Water Cube at last year's Olympics.
10. Within this large holding, the Cubist Collection is considered the flagship due to its historic and artistic value.
flagship 英英释义
1. the ship that carries the commander of a fleet and flies his flag
2. the chief one of a related group
e.g. it is their flagship newspaper
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