insistent 基本解释
形容词坚持的; 引人注意的; 显眼的; 紧急的
insistent 相关例句
1. The dean's very insistent that they should finish the papers in time.
2. She was insistent that I was wrong.
insistent 网络解释
1. insistent的反义词
1. 坚持的insipience 感觉迟钝 | insistent 坚持的 | insobriety 头脑不清醒
2. 坚持不懈的insistency 强迫 | insistent 坚持不懈的 | insistently 坚持地
3. insistent的近义词
3. 坚持的;显著的坚持;坚决主张 insist | 坚持的;显著的 insistent | 坚定的,坚贞的 constant
4. insistent的反义词
4. 坚持的;逼人注意的consistent in agreement 前后一致的 | insistent 坚持的;逼人注意的 | desist 停止,中止
insistent 双语例句
1. insistent的意思
1. At atmosphere pressure, the glow discharge in helium in an axially symmetrical dielectric barrier system is investigated basing on the one-dimensional self-insistent fluid model.
2. Beside him Alice slept, her breathing seeming to keep in time with the insistent beat of crickets.
3. The hiss of the rain on the bamboo doors was louder and more insistent than ever and overhead the rumble of thunder still rolled across the sky, but the sound of voices which rose from the huts was even fiercer than the angry roar of the storm
4. Part of his technique relies on an insistent monumentality of composition, combined with a strong linear drive.
5. insistent在线翻译
5. All in all, his strong will and insistent spirit are worth us admiring and imitating.
6. The television generation grew up in the insistent presence of hype, delights in much of it, and has no scruples about practicing it.
7. insistent在线翻译
7. I don't even know what 800 thread count sheets are, but she is very insistent on it...
8. insistent的解释
8. Pulcher Amandio/a says to you, By Prexus'trident, you're quite insistent, aren't ya?
9. Reputation, Quality, Internat ionaliza tion View is the insistent principle and management of our company.
10. I wonder if perhaps I'm flunking badly by not pinning her down, by not being more insistent-with impeccable delicacy, of course-that she make herself clear.
11. Finding me insistent, he took me to Dina's house in a carriage.
12. Head slightly looked up, his eyes light temporarily closed to keep about 1 minute, so insistent on this for six months, the phenomenon of the elderly can be improved significantly blurred.
13. Summer is a fading memory, and the brief days of autumn are being chased away by an insistent wind from the north.
14. You have had to write checks to stave off the ever-insistent claims of your creditors.
15. Put oneself forward in an assertive and insistent manner.
16. insistent的意思
16. So stand your ground, and understand that the interviewer is being as insistent as you are.
17. This was followed by insistent knocking and a voice demanding something in Russian.
18. Despite an insistent voice inside her head that told her she wouldnever be Queen, she accepted his proposal.
19. Despite an insistent voice inside her head that told her she would never be Queen, she accepted his proposal.
20. insistent的近义词
20. Topri's voice was an insistent monotone in the room.
insistent 词典解释
1. 坚持的;坚决要求的
Someone who is insistent keeps insisting that a particular thing should be done or is the case.
e.g. The men are very insistent that you leave right away.
e.g. He is most insistent on this point...
'What is it?' his wife asked again, gently but insistently.
2. (噪音、节奏等)持续的,经久不息的
An insistent noise or rhythm keeps going on for a long time and holds your attention.
e.g. ...the insistent rhythms of the Caribbean and Latin America.
insistent 单语例句insistent
1. McComb got the idea for the study from her experience with her own cat, who would consistently wake her up in the mornings with a very insistent purr.
2. Bin Laden was famously insistent that no phones or computers be used near him, so the eavesdroppers at the National Security Agency kept coming up cold.
3. Michael Jackson was insistent Dr Conrad Murray worked with him as he trusted him implicitly.
4. Shen is insistent that despite the''fashion''moniker, there's very little glamour in this work.
5. My daughter's insistent that I eat one, but I won't!
6. Only problem I experienced with taxis was leaving major shopping centers where drivers were insistent on a fixed fee.
7. To deal with the insistent parents, many single people find a simple solution - renting a girlfriend or boyfriend.
8. Any doubt of the company's management would be greeted by smiling yet insistent group criticism sessions.
9. Bush's insistent argument against a withdrawal deadline, even though Bush's handling of the war has become increasingly unpopular with Americans.
10. Confucius was insistent on proper rules and rituals and covering up one's body was the sine qua non.
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