courageous 基本解释
形容词英勇的; 勇敢的,无畏的; 有胆量的; 勐
courageous 同义词
courageous 反义词
courageous 网络解释
1. 勇敢的,有胆量的cooperative 有合作精神的 | courageous 勇敢的,有胆量的 | creative 富创造力的
2. courageous
2. 勇敢的responsible 负责的 | courageous 勇敢的 | independent 独立的
3. 有胆量的courage 勇气 | courageous 有胆量的 | course 路程
4. 勇敢38. capable 有能力 | 39. courageous 勇敢 | 40. determined 坚决的
courageous 双语例句
1. But perhaps to call Sweet courageous is overstating something that is really much simpler.
2. courageous的解释
2. But perhaps to callSweet courageous is overstating something that is really much simpler.
3. To change one's miserable destiny and establish a happy state of life takes continual courageous faith.
4. On one level Brandt's wrenching decision to recognize the division of Germany was a courageous recognition of reality.
5. Wmscbsc. com 2756 It is man's duty to be courageous enough to seek for truth.
勇于探索真理是人的天职。|国内领先的通信技术论坛2y3Z n;A,_0q9~Q
6. 1PD8a6O(.o0i 2756 It is man's duty to be courageous enough to seek for truth.
7. To be creative and industrious and courageous Mrs. Heaven bound hard, association and self-glory days.
8. courageous
8. The courageous and patriotic spirits of the Railway Guerilla forces are deep-rooted in every Chinese mind.
9. He is such a courageous man that he does not fear death at all.
10. He is so courageous, the opposition People's pursuit, rescued one person.
11. Is his first full-length short lead detective stories of creation, but also created his first witty, courageous, sincere, kind-hearted official detective - inspector quebracho.
12. courageous的反义词
12. There, refugees from the nearby hamlet of Altstadt seek shelter while the courageous Altstadt Huntsmen fight desperately to save their home from the greenskin invaders.
13. NEWT GINGRICH, Speaker, U. S. House of Representatives, 1995-1999: I thought it was the most of courageous act of his presidency, and we worked with him very hard. The Republicans in the House provided a much bigger percentage of the votes than the Democrats did.
NEWT GINGRICH,发言人,美国下议院,1995-1999我认为,这是在他总统任期期间最勇敢的举动,和他一起做工作,我们也非常困难,因为议院中的共和党的投票权远远超过民主党。
14. He is a great scientist, and a courageous fighter as well.
15. Journey of life you have watched with deep feeling, I will be more stronger, more courageous.
16. A courageous person is not afraid of tyranny and does not ill treat any one weaker.
17. I will be strong and courageous in facing all, and found the meaning of life!
18. courageous在线翻译
18. Now, it is possible to imagine how a courageous writer might build some sort of tense, dynamic structure within which global tourism, sexual frustration and the lovelessness of the West were indeed counterposed with the emergence of radical Islam.
19. Area is 4952 square kilometers, live love Ni clan, whisk clan and cloth Lang clan, Wa clan and courageous clan, Mian the 13 nations such as clan, the population persons more than seventy-four thousands, capital Meng position.
20. They are courageous, and fortitude of the people, step by step, across the life of countless hard and cold Gaolan, regardless of the outcome, the process is always the wisdom of combining their ideas and do not regret heart.
courageous 词典解释
1. 勇敢的;有胆量的;无畏的
Someone who is courageous shows courage.
e.g. It was a very frightening experience and they were very courageous...
e.g. It was a courageous decision, and one that everybody admired.
If Coetzer fights as courageously as he did against Bowe, it could be an interesting night.
如果科泽尔能打得像当初对阵鲍时一样英勇顽强,那晚上的比赛就有意思了。courageous 单语例句courageous的意思
1. But Chinese people were impressed by the courageous and stoic attitude of Japanese people in maintaining social order following the March quake.
2. Describing BOC as " very courageous, " Wu said not all their concerns have been assuaged.
3. Some experts see the investment as rash, while others reckon itis courageous and will achieve huge profits when the crisis is over.
4. Sociologists and gay rights activists said the courageous and controversial move was justified, adding that the wedding reflects society's growing inclusiveness.
5. Japan's new ruling party said it would be " courageous " in its handling of historical issues that have long impeded the nation's relationship with its neighbors.
6. Daredevil Paris Hilton shows off her courageous side as she swims with sharks and stingrays during a paradise holiday.
7. Confucius said that it borders on being courageous to feel shameful for the wrongs one has committed.
8. The country's leadership has made a courageous and determined attempt to reshape labor market policies quite radically.
9. The series is about the adventurous journey of a clever and courageous young cow in a magic world.
10. The second reason is his work has made him more courageous and perseverant through fighting crime.
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