associate with的意思、解释
associate with 基本解释
与…交往, 联系;交接;蹑足其间;轧;
associate with 双语例句
1. Business and leisure travelers visiting the area will enjoy the same high-quality services and amenities they've come to associate with the Hampton Inn name.
2. associate with
2. What government of uptodate special zone should do is cast off associate with rule mode, charge the set pattern that breaks solid to have.
3. Through investigate and analysis, the paper finds the direct reason is that the posting pay didn`t take the relative value among each posting into account; performance pay didn`t associate with the stuff`s performance and the company didn`t carry out performance appraisal.
4. associate with在线翻译
4. Sandy Burgener, Ph. D., is an Associate Professor at the University of Illinois College of Nursing and is a certified Gerontological Nurse Practitioner with a clinical and research focus on increasing quality of life for persons with progressive memory loss or dementia.
Sandy Burgener,博士,伊利诺伊大学护理学院的副教授,具备资格认证的养老护理专业人士,所做的诊疗和研究主要是以提高歇性失亿或智力衰退人群的生活质量为核心,美国护理和老年社会学术会的特别会员。
5. About the Author/作者介绍: Sandy Burgener, Ph. D., is an Associate Professor at the University of Illinois College of Nursing and is a certified Gerontological Nurse Practitioner with a clinical and research focus on increasing quality of life for persons with progressive memory loss or dementia.
Sandy Burgener,博士,伊利诺伊大学护理学院的副教授,具备资格认证的养老护理专业人士,所做的诊疗和研究主要是以提高歇性失亿或智力衰退人群的生活质量为核心,美国护理和老年社会学术会的特别会员。
6. So if you get IMF, gold offerings associate it with this movement.
7. You touch your listener when you want her to associate a certain idea with you.
8. This organization by associate charge president of a Liu Chuanzhi of trustee bureau chairman, software that use friend 43 ZhongGuanCun entrepreneur such as Wang Wen Beijing are initiated with natural person identity hold water, virgin capital gold makes an appointment with 4.3 million yuan, pay close attention to the key the high-tech industry such as software, the sources of energy, environmental protection.
9. Several languages use words that associate the shape of the symbol with some type of animal.
10. The wind rose charts of mean PM 10 concentrations in different seasons are obtained. It indicates that high concentrations usually associate with west winds.
11. With over 30 years of research and applying more recent training from forensic police, Associate Professor Martin Jarvis says he can clearly show that Anna Magdalena Wilcke, Bach's second wife, wrote several of the manuscripts previously credited to her famous husband.
12. associate with
12. It is also the colour we often associate with calm and serenity.
13. The results indicate that female wasps deposit HMPs on the chorion of host eggs with her ovipositor near the end of egg-laying process. Na ye females do not posses the ability for recognizing the marking pheromones and have to obtain the ability though the learning process, in which the wasp inserts her ovipositor into a host egg to determine whether the egg has been parasitized followed by antennal drumming on the exterior. Once the learning process is completed, the female wasp will be able to discriminate between parasitized and unparasitized hosts and reject a parasitized egg by simply drumming on the exterior of the egg. Learning plays an important role in reducing initial rejection time when an unsuitable host is encountered. Female wasps of T. astriniae can quickly learn to associate the presence of a HMP on host egg chrion with the internal status of the egg.
14. associate with
14. Lu Biaobiao, a designer and associate professor with Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, is engaged in the fields of fashion, jewelry, porcelain, furniture and so forth.
15. The first step is therefore to register the input devices that will be providing the desired raw data, and associate them with the window that will be handling this data.
16. I do not sit with men of falsehood, Nor will I associate with hypocrites.
264 我没有和虚谎人同坐,也不与假冒为善的人往来。
17. associate with什么意思
17. In addition, we needn`t directly associate clothes with our cultural heritage.
18. Have something to do with; have a bearing on; relate to; concern; associate
19. In this system, you associate portions of the number with a word that has some relation to it.
20. Preschool education department has the major with an education and scientific research driving actual strength to instruct division the group, 62% what at present number of title of associate professor above holds professional teacher number, 54% what have master's degree.
associate with 单语例句
1. Lepper concluded that children who associate a reward with an activity are less intrinsically motivated to perform that activity.
2. I don't associate typical German cuisine with anything light, so the lunch entree surprised me.
3. " Children develop a feel for musical tones and associate certain tone patterns with certain rhythms, " he points out.
4. The author is an associate professor with Shandong Institute of Political Science and Law.
5. The author is associate research scholar with the Chinese Academy of International and Trade Cooperation, affiliated to the Ministry of Commerce.
6. The author is an associate professor and doctor of law with the Law School, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law.
7. Population studies associate certain antioxidant containing food or drink with protective effects.
8. Forget the gold and silver satin metallic finish that we associate with the typical fashion ballet flat.
9. Recreating a forgotten era that readers do not associate with obvious images in their heads and making it believable was an added challenge.
10. Supermarkets have the added bonus that readers are also likely to spend money on other products and will associate the shop with their favourite book.