过去式divided; 过去分词divided;
divide 基本解释
及物/不及物动词分; 划分; 分离; (使)产生分歧
名词分配; 分水岭,分界线
divide 同义词
divide 反义词
divide 相关例句
1. Children, divide the cake up between / among you.
2. We shall not let such a small matter divide us.
3. The teacher divided our class into four groups.
1. The engineers' opinions divided.
2. This river divides at its mouth.
divide 网络解释
1. divide什么意思
1. 除关系操作的数据查询和数据维护功能使用关系代数中的选择(Select)、投影(Proieet)、连接(Join)、除(Divide)、并(Union)、交(Intersection)、差(Difference)和广义笛卡儿积(Extend-ed关系的实体完整性(Entity Integrity)规则为:主关键字值必须是唯一的,
2. 等分令介绍8-2 建立填充区域(SOLID)命令介绍8-3 环形填充(DOUNT)命令介绍8-4 矩形(RECTANG)命令介绍8-5 样条曲线(SPLINE)命令介绍8-6 建立多线类型(MLSTYLE)命令介绍8-7 绘制多线(MLINE)命令介绍8-8 等分(DIVIDE)命令介绍8-9 图
3. divide的翻译
3. 除以我们所能提供的服务相等于呼求的平方,除以(divide)或整合(由基本一的法则指出)还没有觉察造物合一性的自由意志. RA:我是RA. 如同我们刚才通过这个器皿所说的,我们必须整合你们社会记忆复合体在幻象分解形式呈现中的所有部分.
divide 双语例句
1. Superfinishing can divide commonly for 3 phase: Cutting phase, half cutting phase, light does level.
2. To have a better correspondence relationship between control software and the action of elevator and easy to debug and assert, I use pattern edit program. And explain three working mode of elevator of working. I divide the control software for parts: display program of floor, calling program, direction program, switch door program, transform speed program. They played to control elevator working correctly.
3. divide什么意思
3. Western powers will be accompanied by colonization and military aggression, killing innocent people, burning and looting artifacts, was robbed of resources and divide the market, as well as the drug trade and other forms of evil, threatening, shock, aggression, East and West, all small and weak countries.
4. divide
4. Tai Gong said:In this case, you should divide your forces into three armies.
5. The leader startle and flush first in front of mine body and roar; in the hand, the laser broadsword divide my hatch as the bomb from the blue sky.
6. The second part divide into Adopt All. Kinds of Men of Ability, Accelerate the Turnover of the Capital, Improve the Competitive Power, Raising Fund, Enlarged Reproduction Energetically, Seek Survival. The third part introduce Zhou XueXis economic thoughts in detail according those respects.
7. As we have learned, net of the sky cabinet carries literary work early or late nearly 9000, come from alliance of book of sword of start Chinese net, unreal, 91 literature in great quantities among them net and climb climb E the literary website such as the station, after some work publish period of time, be moved to divide by proper motion, to case hair vogue has online work 5334, ever became Chinese website to visit a quantity to rank for a time the 2nd, chinese literature still is resided before case hair kind the website is ranked the 7th, become day of visit to measure the large-scale website that amounts to two independent IP, two person-time.
8. Instead of arranging my books into traditional categories -- fiction and nonfiction, novels and short stories, self-improvement and pleasure -- I divide my bedside reading into books that put you to sleep and those that keep you up.
9. In fact, so intense is their resentment that the movement to divide this solid race vote and make peace with the national Democracy, so suspiciously revived when you ran for the presidency, and which some of our families for two generations have been risking all to promote, bids fair to be undone.
10. And then the detailed design of logic structure, data process of the system and how to divide function are also described.
11. Any person who seizes on the amount overcharged as his or her own, or any persons who embezzle or divide the amount overcharged among themselves shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the provisions of Article 1 and Article 2 of the Supplementary Provisions Concerning the Punishment of Crimes of Embezzlement and Bribery.
12. Discuss the marketing channel of the iron and steel enterprise lightly -----Experience and knowing in the working practice of the marketing of BaoGang iron and steel plant Summary According to the characteristic of the super-huge integrated complex, the Baoshan iron and steel plant passes practice and exploration for many years, establish with trade Branch that region divide, process and shear home-delivery center, agent at home.
13. Methods Three methods of phacoemulsifi cation, the improved divide and conquer, the reserve lens cortex spin and no lens cortex spin, were performed on 62 eyes according to the type of nucleus hardness.
14. What's more, on basis of the rank of Chinses word and sentence, we can divide some hackneyed rhetoric which are familiar in antithetical couplet into some Chinese character's sound related rhetoric such as, include Analyse word, with near, inlay word, leakage word, reduplication, the sound of layer upon layer and double meaning, return writing and thimble etc.
15. It was also the beginning of a distracting divide in Lehman's senior management ranks.
16. The busy Sylphs surround their darling care, These set the head, and those divide the hair, Some fold the sleeve, whilst others plait the gown: And Betty's prais'd for labours not her own.
繁忙窈窕妇女包围他们的亲爱的关心,这些设置头,而那些划分头发,一些折叠袖子,whilst其他人把长袍编成辫,劳动的Betty的prais d她自己。
17. divide的翻译
17. In the criminal procedure of the USA, the errors made by the first trial may divide into constitutional error and statutory error.
18. Of information (especially ownership and copyright, digital divide). Information Ethics is therefore strictly related to the fields of computer ethics (Floridi, 1999) and the philosophy of information.
19. Trim and devein prawns. Wash and wipe. Divide into halves lenghwise along the back. Arrange on plate with the tails at the centre. sprinkle with pepper and 1/3 tsp of mung bean flour. Pour 1 tbsp of water. Cover with microwave-safe plastic wrap.
虾剪去须及脚﹐抽去肠﹐洗净抹乾水﹐从背部切开边成二片﹐排在碟上﹐虾头向碟边﹐洒下少许胡椒粉﹐把 1/3茶匙生粉平均洒在虾上﹐淋下一汤匙水﹐盖上微波炉用保鲜纸﹐留一孔让蒸气排出。
20. The essay divide into five parts: part one and part two focus on the discussion of essence of the utensils recorded on the Yong Yuan utensil book, and explain the social background and border defense of Han dynasty; Part two enumerates the name of horse and vehicles recorded on bamboo slips, explain the essence of them, and discussion the horse policy of Han dynasty; Part three and part four discuss the humanities environment of Juyan area, from record on bamboo slips we can know that, there is commercial trade in Juyan area, soldiers can take part in certain recreation and cultural study, these measure guarantees the defend system of Juyan in some degree; Part five is about utensil book unearthed in Zhangjiashan.
divide 词典解释
1. (使)分开;(使)分散;(使)分裂
When people or things are divided or divide into smaller groups or parts, they become separated into smaller parts.
e.g. The physical benefits of exercise can be divided into three factors...
e.g. It will be easiest if we divide them into groups...
2. 分配;分享;分担
If you divide something among people or things, you separate it into several parts or quantities which you distribute to the people or things.
e.g. Paul divides most of his spare time between the study and his bedroom...
e.g. Divide the sauce among 4 bowls.
把酱汁分到 4 个碗里。
3. 除;除以
If you divide a larger number by a smaller number or divide a smaller number into a larger number, you calculate how many times the smaller number can fit exactly into the larger number.
e.g. Measure the floor area of the greenhouse and divide it by six.
量一下温室的建筑面积再将它除以 6。
4. 分隔;把…分开;是…的分界线
If a border or line divides two areas or divides an area into two, it keeps the two areas separate from each other.
e.g. ...remote border areas dividing Tamil and Muslim settlements.
e.g. ...the artificial line that divides the city.
5. (使)产生分歧;(使)意见不一
If people divide over something or if something divides them, it causes strong disagreement between them.
e.g. She has done more to divide the Conservatives than anyone else...
e.g. The democrats are divided over whether to admit him into their group...
6. 明显差异;(常指引起争论的)分歧
A divide is a significant distinction between two groups, often one that causes conflict.
e.g. ...a deliberate attempt to create a Hindu-Muslim divide in India.
7. (时间、过程的)分界线,分界点
A divide is a moment in time or a point in a process when there is a complete change from one situation to another.
e.g. The time had come to cross the great divide between formality and truth.
8. 分水岭
A divide is a line of high ground between areas that are drained by different rivers.
in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 watershed
9. 分而治之
You use divide and rule to refer to a policy which is intended to keep someone in a position of power by causing disagreements between people who might otherwise unite against them.
e.g. The government's policies of divide and rule have only contributed to the volatility of the region.
相关词组divide offdivide up
divide 单语例句
1. Su Causeway is one of two historic causeways to divide West Lake into three parts.
2. Luo Zhongli became one of the country's most celebrated artists for his depictions of farmers, but his ongoing retrospective reveals stylistic changes that divide critics.
3. Stem cells can divide and differentiate into different types of cells in the body.
4. I've also been chided for walking up stairs with a friend on separate sides of the rail because it creates a divide in the friendship.
5. Bush's war strategy clouded by limited results and mounting casualties, two scholars are proposing a partition plan that would divide Iraq into three main regions.
6. The former British colonial authorities practiced divide and control in its former colonies in order to enslave the overwhelming majority of the native population.
7. A common practice used by many companies today is to divide a large room into dozens of small cubicles.
8. The court said the new administrative town would not replace the country's capital, nor was it a move to divide the capital.
9. The two countries'relationship is indeed complicated because of the legacy they share, from the past ideological divide to interference in domestic politics.
10. The social divide has been rapidly widening in China in recent years, with a greater concentration of wealth and a growing disparity in incomes.
divide 英英释义
1. a ridge of land that separates two adjacent river systems
Synonym: watershedwater parting
2. a serious disagreement between two groups of people (typically producing tension or hostility)
1. perform a division
e.g. Can you divide 49 by seven?
Synonym: fraction
2. force, take, or pull apart
e.g. He separated the fighting children
Moses parted the Red Sea
Synonym: separatedisunitepart
3. come apart
e.g. The two pieces that we had glued separated
Synonym: separatepart
4. make a division or separation
Synonym: separate
5. separate into parts or portions
e.g. divide the cake into three equal parts
The British carved up the Ottoman Empire after World War I
Synonym: splitsplit upseparatedissevercarve up
6. act as a barrier between
stand between
e.g. The mountain range divides the two countries
Synonym: separate
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