正式名称葡萄牙共和国(Portuguese Republic)
西元前1千纪,塞尔特人在伊比利半岛定居下来。西元前140年前後,罗马人征服了他们,并一直统治到西元5世纪日耳曼部落入侵这个地区。711年穆斯林入侵,仅存葡萄牙北部还在基督教的手里。1179年该地区成为葡萄牙王国,随着重新取得穆斯林所占据的部分而扩张起来。现代欧陆的葡萄牙疆界是在1270年国王阿方索三世手中完成的。在15和16世纪,该君主国鼓励探险,促使葡萄牙的航海家们纷纷到非洲、印度、印尼、中国、中东和南美洲去探险。虽然曾建立了若干殖民地,但都逐渐独立了(参阅Brazil、Goa、Cape Verde、East Timor、Angola、Guinea-Bissau、Mozambique和Macau)。20世纪中叶,独裁者萨拉查统治葡萄牙,1974年发生一场政变将他驱逐。1976年通过一部新宪法(1982年修改),恢复了文官统治。葡萄牙是北大西洋公约组织的创始会员,也是欧洲联盟的成员。
English version
ancientLusitania.Country, western coast of the Iberian Peninsula, southwestern Europe. Area: 35,662 sq mi (92,365 sq km). Population (2000 est.): 10,005,000. Capital: Lisbon. Most of the people are Portuguese. Language: Portuguese (official). Religion: Roman Catholicism. Monetary unit: euro. Administratively, the Atlantic islands of the Azores and Madeira are part of Portugal. Portugal is divided roughly in half by the Tagus River; the highlands rise mostly north of the Tagus and stretch northeast into Spain. It has an industrialized economy in which both the public and private sectors participate. Major industries were nationalized after a military coup in 1974, but many were returned to the private sector in the late 1980s. Light industries predominate, and products include textiles and clothing, paper and wood products, and chemicals. It is a republic with one legislative house; the chief of state is the president, and the head of government is the prime minister. In the 1st millennium BC, Celtic peoples settled the Iberian peninsula. They were conquered c. 140 BC by the Romans, who ruled until the 5th century AD, when the area was invaded by Germanic tribes. A Muslim invasion in 711 left only the northern part of Portugal in Christian hands. In 1179 it became the kingdom of Portugal and expanded as it reconquered the Muslim-held sectors. The boundaries of modern continental Portugal were completed in 1270 under King Afonso III. In the 15th and 16th centuries the monarchy encouraged exploration that took Portuguese navigators to Africa, India, Indonesia, China, the Middle East, and South America. Though it established several colonies, they achieved independence over the years (see Brazil, Goa, Cape Verde Islands, East Timor, Angola, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Macao). António de Oliveira Salazar ruled Portugal as a dictator in the mid-20th century; he was ousted in a coup in 1974. A new constitution was adopted in 1976 (revised 1982), and civilian rule resumed. It was a charter member of NATO and is a member of the European Union.