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  Tang dynasty,亦拼作T'ang dynasty。

  中国朝代,继承为期甚短的隋朝,成为中国史上诗歌、雕刻和佛教的黄金时代。唐朝首都长安在当时是世上最繁荣的国际性大都会,有来自中亚、阿拉伯、波斯、韩国与日本的商人与外交使节穿梭其中。聂斯托留派的基督徒社群也在长安出现;而广州则建有多座回教寺院。八世纪至九世纪唐朝的经济蓬勃发展,乡间的市镇逐渐发展,而融入长安和洛场的都会市场圈,形成经济网络。佛教备受尊崇,佛经的译作纷纷问世;本土的佛教宗派亦有发展,包括禅宗。唐诗是这个时期最辉煌的荣耀,今天保留了两千位诗人所创作的近五万首作品。异国音乐和舞蹈大受欢迎,古代的管弦乐曲亦重新复兴。由於北方游牧部族不断侵略,唐朝政府从未完全控制中国北部疆界;八世纪中叶以後时而发生的叛乱,也同样削弱唐朝政府的威权(参阅An Lushan Rebellion)。唐朝末年,政府的重心已不在中亚,而是集中在中国东部和东南部。亦请参阅Taizong、Wu Hou。

  English version


  Tang dynasty

  Chinese dynasty that succeeded the short-lived Sui and became a golden age for poetry, sculpture, and Buddhism. The Tang capital of Changan became a great international metropolis, with traders and embassies from Central Asia, Arabia, Persia, Korea, and Japan passing through. A Nestorian Christian community also existed there, while mosques were established in Guangzhou. The economy flourished in the 8th-9th century, with a network of rural market towns growing up to join the metropolitan markets of Changan and Luoyang. Buddhism enjoyed great favor; there were new translations of the Buddhist scriptures and growth of indigenous sects, including Chan (see Zen). Poetry was the greatest glory of the period; nearly 50,000 works by 2,000 poets survive. Foreign music and dance became popular and ancient orchestras were revived. The Tang government never completely controlled the northern Chinese border, where nomad tribes made constant incursions; periodic rebellions from the mid-8th century onward also weakened its power (see An Lushan Rebellion). In its later years, the government's focus was on eastern and southeastern China rather than Central Asia. See also Taizong, Wu Hou.


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