权利法案(Bill of Rights)
原先为美国宪法的10个修正案,1791年正式通过为单一法律。权利法案是一组保障个人权利、限制联邦及州政府的法条,最初起於宪法对人民缺乏保障的普遍不满。一开始国会先提出12条修正案(起草人是麦迪逊James Madison),後来通过10条。第一修正案保障信仰、言论及出版的自由,并认可请愿要求救济以及和平结社的权利。第二修正案保障人民保存和持有武器的自由。第三修正案禁止军队於非战争时期驻紮在私人住所。第四修正案保护人民不受不合理的调查与逮捕(search and seizure)。第五修正案规定重大违法事件应设大陪审团、禁止一罪两罚(double jeopardy)、禁止强迫人民在非自愿情境下作证。第六修正案确立被告拥有要求快速审判及公平陪审团的权利,并保障其谘询律师及传唤有利证人的权利。第七修正案保留人民在重大民事案件中要求陪审团的权利,并禁止在民事案件中一罪两罚。第八修正案禁止过高的保释金、禁止残酷及不合理的惩罚。第九修正案宣告在宪法中表列某些权利,并不表示禁止未表列的其他权利。第十修正案指出州及人民保有任何未委交给全国政府的权利。
English version
Bill of Rights
First 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, adopted as a single unit in 1791. They are a collection of guarantees of individual rights and of limitations on federal and state governments, which derived from popular dissatisfaction with the limited guarantees of the Constitution. The first Congress submitted 12 amendments (drafted by James Madison) to the states, 10 of which were ratified. The 1st Amendment guarantees freedom of religion, speech, and the press, and grants the right to petition for redress and to assemble peaceably. The 2nd Amendment guarantees the right of the people to keep and bear arms. The 3rd prohibits the quartering of soldiers in private dwellings in peacetime. The 4th protects against unreasonable search and seizure. The 5th establishes grand-jury indictment for serious offenses, protects against double jeopardy in criminal cases, and prohibits compelling a person to testify against himself. The 6th establishes the right of the accused to a speedy trial and an impartial jury, and guarantees the right to legal counsel and to the obtaining of witnesses in his favor. The 7th preserves the right to trial by jury in serious civil suits and prohibits double jeopardy in civil cases. The 8th prohibits excessive bail and cruel and unusual punishment. The 9th states that enumeration of certain rights in the Constitution does not mean the abrogation of rights not mentioned. The 10th reserves to the states and people any powers not delegated to the national government.