delivery 基本解释
名词分娩; 传送,投递; [法](正式)交付; 讲演
delivery 同义词
delivery 反义词
delivery 相关例句
1. There is no delivery of letters on Sundays.
2. delivery
2. The mother had a difficult delivery.
3. We guarantee prompt delivery of goods.
4. His speech was interesting but his delivery was poor.
5. How many deliveries are there in your town every day?
delivery 情景对话
In Labor-(生小孩)
AMy wife is in labor!
BHere, Ma’am please get on the stretcher.
AIs Doctor Hawkins here? She’s our doctor. We called her from the car.
BCalm down, sir. We’ll call her to make sure she’s on the way.
AThanks. Sorry. It just came as such a surprise. The baby isn’t due for another two weeks.
BHow long has she been in labor?
AAbout fifteen minutes.
BO.K. Are you planning on being in the delivery room sir?
BPlease follow the nurse. She’ll get you ready.
delivery 网络解释
1. 发送1.信息发送(delivery)方面是否流畅、清楚. 2.语言使用(language use)方面是否恰当使用基本的和复杂的语言结构,是否语言连贯,是否用词恰当. 3.话语结构(topic development)方面是否话题展开有序而清楚,是否能组织相关信息集中有效表达话题内容,
2. 配送为卑诗全省提供瓦斯配送等服务的提拉森(Terasen)公司获公用事业委员会批准于年元月1日起调升费率,典型用户每年多缴服务费约100元:包括瓦斯运送等中游(Midstream)服务涨价约70元,配送(Delivery)服务涨价约30元等.
delivery 双语例句
1. Clean air delivery rate=AHAM certified.
2. High quality, reasonable price and perfect delivery system and first-class services to win customer's trust.
3. To control and cooperate with the warehouse people and prepare the daily delivering goods in advance according to delivery order.
4. The contract specifies the buying price, a quantity of goods, and a delivery date.
5. Some companies may charge a processing fee for international flower delivery orders and others will not.
6. Responsible for the transport of finished formulation and delivery of finished product shipped to plan, manage our customers located in the vicinity of the interim library (library accounts and transit costs).
7. We have proposed not to mention a material in the organization which was consistent from processing to delivery.
8. Under these conditions it is very important that the aspiration pressure, i. e., the pressure at the tip of the melt delivery tube, is sub-ambient to ensure un-interrupted melt flow from the melt delivery tube.
9. Heung Yuen opened Hopewell florist flowers etiquette, buy services, floral training, has a large number of enterprise customers for their timely delivery of fresh flowers, and for staff to celebrate a birthday.
10. In Chapter 1, the author makes a review of the international trade financing development history and concerned theories, and analyzes the essentiality of international trade financing to small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises. The modes of export trade financing and import trade financing are expounded separately in Chapter 2. The export trade financing includes Loan and Overdraft, Packing Loan, Outward Bill Purchased, Export Discount, etc. And import trade financing includes Limits of Letter for Credit, Trust Receipt, Inward Bill Purchased, Delivery against Bank Guarantee, etc.
11. Help to develop and manage the delivery GWP items for specific campaign.
12. After delivery, one male offspring of each mother rabbit was selected and breast-fed for three months. Then they were fed on normal diet from the fourth month to the sixth month.
13. Due to large volume of daily walking, please ask before making your buyers want size and color of whether there are goods, general models to 2 days delivery in case of extended holidays, or because of delayed shipments will not be out of stock further notice, please shoot anxious buyers cautious.
14. PVC Card - Business card printing】Sounds alone seems to bring some irony, Business card printing and membership card manufacturing workers are in the communications industry, but we are in the business and production processes the message communication between compete on the trail of often, poor communication as well as bring extra work burden, the delay in the delivery cycle, and to increase the cost of production.
15. MAP amplitude and Vmax almost did not change after the duration of RFCA delivery was over 30 seconds or the temperature was up to 50℃; (2) the duration of MAP did not change and no arhythmia occurred in whole RFCA procession. Conclusion (1) The change in myocardial electric activity and tissue lesion were obvious when RFCA temperature was up to 50℃; RFCA had no effect on the duration of MAP.
结果 (1)单相动作电位振幅和0相最大上升速度随RFCA时间延长及温度升高而降低或下降,持续放电30秒或温度达50℃以后MAPA及Vmax几乎不再变化;(2)整个过程的单相动作电位时程无明显变化且未见心律失常发生。
16. Many interfaces to other programs make the simple delivery possible eg directly to Winword or Excel with just one mouse click.
17. For example, a manufacturer of shipments of the original printing inks, the ink from the storage tank to ink the manufacture of printing inks, followed by delivery business card printing and membership card-making machine.
18. As for cash on delivery, this means some of the costs of expensive, in fact, no less than Alipay transactions.
19. Movement type 351 is only used if the goods issue is posted without a delivery in Shipping.
20. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.
delivery 词典解释
1. (信件、包裹等的)递送,投递,运送
Delivery or a delivery is the bringing of letters, parcels, or other goods to someone's house or to another place where they want them.
e.g. Please allow 28 days for delivery...
递送将需要 28 天的时间。
e.g. It is available at £108, including VAT and delivery.
其价格为 108 英镑,包括增值税和送货费在内。
2. 递送之物;投递之物;运送之物
A delivery of something is the goods that are delivered.
e.g. I got a delivery of fresh eggs this morning.
3. 递送的;投递的;运送的
A delivery person or service delivers things to a place.
e.g. ...a pizza delivery man.
e.g. ...Interflora, the flower delivery service.
4. 发言(或演说)的方式
You talk about someone's delivery when you are referring to the way in which they give a speech or lecture.
e.g. His speeches were magnificently written but his delivery was hopeless.
5. 分娩;生产
Delivery is the process of giving birth to a baby.
e.g. In the end, it was an easy delivery: a fine baby boy...
e.g. Premature birth is three times more likely for twins, and delivery at 36 to 38 weeks is normal.
delivery 单语例句delivery是什么意思
1. He said customers were getting familiar with home delivery services and had begun to trust the business model.
2. The army said the delivery had not been cleared by Israeli authorities, who have turned back similar attempts to reach Gaza by sea.
3. Hepatitis C is viral and is mainly transmitted through contact with contaminated blood, although it can also spread through sexual contact and from mother to child during delivery.
4. The actor was in the delivery room while Angelina delivered the baby via Caesarean section in a private hospital on Saturday.
5. These include increases in weight and height, less exposure to early infections in childhood and delivery by caesarean section.
6. She had a caesarean operation four weeks ahead of the delivery date to ensure her baby's safety.
7. Kelp soup is consumed by new mothers to replenish their calcium after delivery and to commemorate birthdays.
8. Its delivery made China one of the few countries in the world to have an aircraft carrier in active service.
9. Siemens announced an order for the delivery of 130 wind turbines from US company Cannon Power Corp on Monday.
10. The " real name " policy requires the sender to show their identity card to the express delivery company whenever there is a parcel to be sent.
delivery 英英释义
1. the act of delivering a child
Synonym: obstetrical delivery
2. recovery or preservation from loss or danger
e.g. work is the deliverance of mankind
a surgeon's job is the saving of lives
Synonym: rescuedeliverancesaving
3. (baseball) the act of throwing a baseball by a pitcher to a batter
Synonym: pitch
4. the act of delivering or distributing something (as goods or mail)
e.g. his reluctant delivery of bad news
Synonym: bringing
5. the voluntary transfer of something (title or possession) from one party to another
Synonym: liverylegal transfer
6. your characteristic style or manner of expressing yourself orally
e.g. his manner of speaking was quite abrupt
her speech was barren of southernisms
I detected a slight accent in his speech
Synonym: manner of speakingspeech
7. the event of giving birth
e.g. she had a difficult delivery
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