colony 基本解释
名词殖民地; 群体; 聚居地; 聚居人群
colony 相关例句
1. India was once a British colony.
2. A colony of gulls inhabits the island.
3. colony的解释
3. This is the Chinese colony in New York.
colony 网络解释
1. 菌落单个细菌在平板培养基上繁殖成一个肉眼可见的细菌集团,称为菌落(colony) 由于细菌种类不同,以及培养基的成分不同,菌落特点也不尽相同,这有助于鉴别细菌.,应当对菌落进行认真观察,选出目的菌菌落进一步检查,
2. 集落还有一些,成对的后代以纤毛或壳粘在一起,形成被称为集落(colony)的小群体. 其中有极少数集落中的细胞像图12-1中所描述的那样,分化为生殖细胞和营养细胞. 这就意味着,某些过去是自由自在的、独立的细胞自愿地放弃了繁殖,
colony 双语例句
1. Melanosporum, T. magnatum and T. pseudoexcavatum. The best temperature was 20℃ and 25℃ and the worst temperature was 33℃. Different pH treatments showed no significant difference on the colony growth of T. melanosporum and T. pseudoexcavatum, however, it showed very significant differences on the colony growth of T. magnatum, and the best pH for the colony growth was at pH 5.0. The interactive effects of temperature and pH showed very significant difference on the colony growth of T. melanosporum and T. pseudoexcavatum, but showed no significant difference on that of T. magnatum. The interspecific average colony growth of three truffle species showed significant difference on all the temperatures and pH treatments, which was the best for T. melanosporum and T. magnatum, and the worst for T. pseudoexcavatum. There was significant difference on all the pH average colony growth at different temperatures except at 10℃, which only showed significant difference on all the temperature average colony growth in different pH treatment.
结果显示不同温度对法国黑孢块菌、义大利白块菌与拟外孔块菌之菌落生长皆呈极显著差异,且最佳生长之温度皆为20℃及25℃,最差者皆为33℃;不同pH值对法国黑孢块菌及拟外孔块菌菌落之生长不呈显著差异,但对义大利白块菌之生长则呈极显著差异,然以pH5.0者生长最佳;温度及pH值之交感效应,对法国黑孢块菌及拟外孔块菌菌落之生长呈极显著差异,但对义大利白块菌则不呈显著差异。3菌种於各温度及pH值总平均之菌落生长,菌种间互呈显著差异,且以义大利白块菌生长最佳,拟外孔块菌最差;菌种间各温度在所有pH值之平均菌落生长,除10℃不呈显著差异外,其余温度皆呈显著差异,而各pH 值在所有温度之平均菌落生长皆呈显著差异。
2. Antarctica—Not far from its Franklin Island colony, a lone Adélie punctuates the looping scrawl of penguin tracks across plates of Ross Sea pack ice.
3. colony的意思
3. The Norfolk was the first boat to be built in the colony and was built by the prisoners on Norfolk Island.
4. Others came after them, and in such numbers that in the following year (1113) Cteaux was able to send forth its first colony and found its first filiation, La Ferté, in the Diocese of Chlons.
另一些后,并在这些数字,在下一年度( 1113 ) Cteaux能够发出的第一块殖民地,并发现其第一次亲子关系,堡,在教区沙隆。
5. One of its roles is to change the BFU-E(burst-forming unit-erythroid) cells, which are the earliest erythrocyte precursors in the erythrocytic series, into the CFU-E (colony-forming unit-erythroid).
6. New individuals should never be added to an existing colony, as they disrupt the pecking order.
7. Methods: CFU-MK and the model of thrombopenia of aplastic anemia were analysed by methylcellulose culture or with sera from patients with aplastic anemia. The number of megakaryocyte colony-forming unit and the content of CD41+ cells in CFU-MK were measured simultaneously. Results: After 14 days of culture, the number of CFU-MK and megakaryocyte cluster-forming unit of the model groups were significantly less than that of the normal control groups.
8. A multiple mobile robots task allocation method based on a kind of Ant Colony Algorithm named Repulsion Pheromone Ant Colony Algorithm was presented.
9. colony的意思
9. After G418 selection for 4 weeks, the cell line with stable expression of the gene was obtained. Then the hBKLF expression level, proliferation ability, colony formation and hemoglobin production were detected by RT-PCR and Western blot, MTT method, methyl cellulose semisolid culture method and benzidine test respectively.
构建hBKLF正义及反义真核表达载体,转染K562细胞,经G418筛选4周,得到稳定细胞株;用RT- PCR、Western blot方法测定转染后K562细胞hBKLF表达水平的变化;以转染空质粒的K562细胞为对照组,在显微镜下直接观察转染正义质粒和反义质粒的两组细胞形态的改变;用MTT法比较增殖速率的变化;用甲基纤维素半固体培养法比较集落形成率的差别;用苯息丁法观察氯高铁血红素诱导K562细胞分化后血红蛋白合成水平的差异。
10. The sense and antisense expression plasmids of hBKLF were constructed, and transfected into K562 cells by lipofectamine. After G418 selection for 4 weeks, the cell line with stable expression of the gene was obtained. Then the hBKLF expression level, proliferation ability, colony formation and hemoglobin production were detected by RT-PCR and Western blot, MTT method, methyl cellulose semisolid culture method and benzidine test respectively.
构建hBKLF正义及反义真核表达载体,转染K562细胞,经G418筛选4周,得到稳定细胞株;用RT- PCR、Western blot测定转染后K562细胞hBKLF表达水平的变化;以转染空质粒的K562细胞为对照组,在显微镜下直接观察转染正义质粒和反义质粒的两组细胞形态的改变;用MTT法比较增殖速率的变化;用甲基纤维素半固体培养法比较集落形成率的差别;用苯息丁法观察氯高铁血红素诱导K562细胞分化后血红蛋白合成水平的差异。
11. Then the hBKLF expression level, proliferation ability, colony formation and hemoglobin production were detected by RT-PCR and Western blot, MTT method, methyl cellulose semisolid culture method and benzidine test respectively.
构建hBKLF正义及反义真核表达载体,转染K562细胞,经G418筛选4周,得到稳定细胞株;用RT- PCR、Western blot方法测定转染后K562细胞hBKLF表达水平的变化;以转染空质粒的K562细胞为对照组,在显微镜下直接观察转染正义质粒和反义质粒的两组细胞形态的改变;用MTT法比较增殖速率的变化;用甲基纤维素半固体培养法比较集落形成率的差别;用苯息丁法观察氯高铁血红素诱导K562细胞分化后血红蛋白合成水平的差异。
12. In the moral education, the particular of individual life and the rifeness of colony life are united, and individual life accretes with colony life.
13. In 1895, the military rank enrolled the imperial fourth cavalry regiments by second lieutenant. Latter because of the hope risk life of struggle, has joined Spain successively by the volunteer soldier and war correspondent's status to Cuba's colony war and the English army in Indian, Sudanese, South Africa's war, battles heroically, dares the shoe danger to worry is well-known.
14. colony的翻译
14. The planet is frozen in stone by Scorpius'general Furio, and the Rangers flee to Terra Venture, where the stay to protect the colony from invasion.
15. Patients were treated at five ag dose levels ranging up to doxorubicin 50 mg/m2 and gemcitabine 2000 mg/m2. the dose and schedule of itp were constant at ifosfamide 1500 mg/m2 on days 1-3 and paclitaxel 200 mg/m2 and cisplatin 70 mg/m2 on day 1. granulocyte colony-stimulating factor was administered between all cycles of therapy.
ag每2周为一周期,共6周期,序贯itp每3周为一周期,共4周期。15例病人分别接受5种ag剂量水平的方案化疗,最高剂量是阿霉素50 mg/m2,吉西他滨 2000 mg/m2;itp方案的剂量为异磷酰胺1500 mg/m2 第1~3天,紫杉醇 135 mg/m2及顺铂 70 mg/m2 第1天。
16. You'll have the best luck keeping only one adult male, and if your colony is larger, a second, subdominant male who will eventually replace the alpha-male.
17. The entire colony, up to 25 bats, fits into a single section of bamboo stem
18. Big power inverted umbrella aeration machine; reducing planet gear box; ant colony algorithm; optimization design
19. And under such policy, Japan continuously made incurions into Chinese military and economy, trying to change China into Japan's Colony.
20. The interaction between microorganisms and minerals can facilitate the process of exogenic biogeochemical reaction, which is one of the important research contents in exogenic geochemistryMicrobes and their geological effects were summarized, and a variety of microbial weathering phenomena toward carbonate rocks, especially on different microcosmic scales, were analyzedThe products and mechanisms of weathering of carbonate rocks by microbes were also expoundedThe authors put forward four microbial weathering mechanisms of carbonate rocks:(1)microorganisms grow on rock surface or in crevices, which will result in biocorrosion, bioerosion, and boring, and will accelerate rock decomposition and weathering; (2)boring meshes produced by microbial colony could increase the efficient superficial area of chemical denudation of rocks, and could lead to the intensification of rock surface weathering to promote mechanical erosion, and the microbial destruction and loosing of cementation structure of rock particles would also accelerate the decomposition of mineral particles; (3)rock weathering can be intensified by the effects of microbial waterkeeping, acidification of organic acids secreted by microorganisms and the release of CO2 induced by microbial respiration onto rock surface; (4)microorganisms uptake nutrition from rock surface to produce complicated organic ligands and promote the release of mineral elements in the growing process of microorganismsFinally, how to carry on the studies of the microbial weathering of carbonate rocks was proposedThe authors suggest to comprehensively exploit local lowgrade mineral resources which contain potassium and phosphate and to accelerate soil formation and evolution in karst regions by using microbial technology.
colony 词典解释
1. 殖民地
A colony is a country which is controlled by a more powerful country.
e.g. In France's former North African colonies, anti-French feeling is growing...
e.g. Puerto Rico, though it calls itself a Commonwealth, is really a self-governing American colony.
2. (某一类人的)聚居地,聚居区
You can refer to a place where a particular group of people lives as a particular kind of colony .
e.g. In 1932, he established a school and artists' colony in Stone City, Iowa.
e.g. ...a penal colony.
3. (统称)英属殖民地
The colonies means all the countries that used to be British colonies.
e.g. Many of our troops and officers were scattered around the world in the service of His Majesty in the colonies.
4. (美国独立前的)北美十三州
The colonies means the 13 British colonies in North America which formed the original United States.
e.g. On the eve of the Revolution, the colonies produced thirty thousand tons of crude iron a year.
5. (鸟、昆虫或动物的)群体,集群,群落
A colony of birds, insects, or animals is a group of them that live together.
e.g. The Shetlands are famed for their colonies of sea birds...
e.g. The caterpillars feed in large colonies.
colony 单语例句colony的解释
1. For decades after the British founded the colony in 1842, the Chinese settlement of Sheung Wan struggled with overcrowding and chronic disease.
2. The standard regulates bacteria colony content and the coliform levels in the food stuffings.
3. The former Western colonial power still has an understandable " backyard " attachment to its former colony.
4. Israeli media said a similar collection was under way in Sanur, a former artists colony that had been taken over by dozens of religious ideologues.
5. He believes humans should settle in space, predicting a lunar settlement within 20 years and a Martian colony in 40.
6. The mite has hit hives around the world with devastating effects on pollination industries, and has been linked to the mystery Colony Collapse Disorder across North America.
7. But some models predicted the colony's population would plummet by at least 95 percent, placing the birds there at risk of extinction.
8. East Timor was a Portuguese colony for centuries before a revolution in Lisbon in 1975 gave the territory a brief taste of independence.
9. South African's Robben Island museum will be closed while authorities cull a colony of rabbits that has invaded the site where Nelson Mandela was jailed.
10. As their number rose from around 50 to more than 100, the village became known locally as a lepers'colony.
colony 英英释义
1. a group of organisms of the same type living or growing together
2. (microbiology) a group of organisms grown from a single parent cell
3. a body of people who settle far from home but maintain ties with their homeland
inhabitants remain nationals of their home state but are not literally under the home state's system of government
e.g. the American colony in Paris
Synonym: settlement
4. a geographical area politically controlled by a distant country
Synonym: dependency
5. a place where a group of people with the same interest or occupation are concentrated
e.g. a nudist colony
an artists' colony
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