easel 基本解释
easel 网络解释
1. 画架从画架(easel)上拿到James画的阴暗的画(dark pictrue). 检查并右键点击床垫上的孔读到James的日记. 在Sharp Edge的灯塔(lighthouse)寻找James:看到一个柱子上有一个开口(openings)和一个被锁住的轮子(wheel).被水淹没的地方侧面有两个管口.
2. 画架,调色板finishing touch 一笔 | easel 画架,调色板 | palette 画板
3. 框,架,绘图架ear wax 耵聍,耳垢 | easel 框,架,绘图架 | ebullience 沸腾
4. 肥皂moon -- 摸 | easel--肥皂 | sky --滚回家
easel 双语例句
1. easel什么意思
1. Especially in the second half of last century when modern technology developed by leaps and bounds in the post-industrial and network society the classical, highest classic art and academic art were just seen as an existence in the history of art. The traditional concept of art and its values were no longer the absolute standards to the judgment of art. The easel and traditional image art have flowed into the broad river of plentiful new media experimental art, which makes it much more possible that more people can touch, enjoy, and taste the art in the contemporary era. We will gain new experience in mixing and synthesizing the photography, digital image pick-up, device, costume, performance and idea
2. SHE puts up The Golden Proportion poster over blank easel then starts uncurling pi poster.
3. The main body of the sculpture corresponded with the subject are three green dog with expressionism form, which seemed come to the ground from Zhou Chunya's easel paintings with their invariable intrinsic expressionism: their opened mouths, the red tongues and the bizarre appearance, etc. The quiet green here might be the duplication of the counter-natural color in the easel paintings, and also the oxidized characteristic the sculpture material.
4. I`m not really painting anything at all. I think that this working method suits my life. My life is the same, all fragmented in different cities and getting into all sorts of odd situations. I`m like an amateur painter, with an amateur identity and broken-up time. With the painting method I use now, I can start and stop whenever I want. I can paint when I only have twenty minutes. I have an easel set up in Beijing, one in Chongqing, one in Kunming and one in Dali. I don`t need to have any drive to paint.
5. easel
5. For the moment, Wondrous Corridor Hotel Environmental Design Consultants Company has fulfilled considerable amount of hotel environmental designs, managements, city plans and landscape plans. Furthermore, we`re stretching to local art groups such as easel painting, morden device, morden sculpture, household accessories and so on.
6. easel的近义词
6. So good, read a book, look big the hornbook of 2 computer science departments, see programmer manual, see server knowledge, see a website run an environment, read code, read the code of others, change code, change the code of others, write code, write oneself code that think of, take paper, keep website structure, take a pen, keep database structure, take small easel, draw website structure to pursue, my sweat, I feel suddenly I bring into contact with a term that clinking ox compares, UE stylist.
7. easel的意思
7. Probably he would lay down his brushes and palette and stand by his easel with the picture he was painting--the perspective, of course, would be beyond criticism.
8. Ruralschool music teaching equipment for an acute shortage of teachingart to use canvas, easel, gypsum model is basically blank, aserious obstacle to the launching of arts education in rural areas.
9. The Company produced an easel, appearance and durability, and quality and at the same time the company since its establishment, the continuous improvement of products, have also developed a number of other new varieties, such as aluminum alloy: Children write a blackboard, folder, such as aluminum is reported.
10. Ma Liuming is carrying out the creation of traditional oil painting on easel while conducting performance art at the same time.
11. It's like being an artist who always has an easel right there.
12. easel
12. One is the state before easel; the other is the one in quotidian life.
13. I took it from the easel and held it up to the windows.
14. In the good weather there was always an artist with his easel.
15. But, according to the western easel painting standard and demand, it is difficult.
16. This persistence is related to a sense of ritual in easel painting.
17. easel的近义词
17. " My painting does not come from the easel.
18. Think of it as a foundation to a house or the easel for an artist.
19. It also allows the lid to fold up for travel and can be converted into a an easel or sit on a car's steering wheel.
20. The news has been displayed on an easel in the forecourt of Buckingham Palace in line with tradition.
easel 词典解释
1. 画架
An easel is a wooden frame that supports a picture which an artist is painting or drawing.
easel 单语例句easel的翻译
1. He often carries an easel and mannequin around with him on campus.
2. Cotte said his analyses also revealed what he believes are the painting's colors as they looked on Da Vinci's easel.
3. This exhibition displays the works of Chengdu's easel artists, and reveals the history and progress of the region.
easel在线翻译easel 英英释义
1. an upright tripod for displaying something (usually an artist's canvas)
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