健康饮食 2023-04-23 16:43健康生活
1 . 决定
...nnovations)罗杰斯所著的《创新扩散》一书提到的创新扩散的过程的描述,认为创新的传播包含五个步骤即认知(knowledge)、说服(persuasion)、决定(decision)、实施(implementation)以及确认(confirmation)。罗杰斯创新扩散的受众分为5类(图一) ①创新者(Innovator),②早期采用者(Early Adopters),③早期大众(.
2 . 决策
3 . 一决定
we declare for the decision.我们“声明”赞成这一决定。
4 . 决策的
we would be better served by demonstrating that our system emphasizes the development of the individual-his capacity for independent decisionand self-government-than by entering a contest where our comparative advantage is not always easily demonstrated也