过去式multiplied; 过去分词multiplied;
multiply 基本解释
及物/不及物动词乘; (使)相乘; (使)增加; (使)繁殖
副词多样地; 复合地; 多倍地; [电学]并联地,多路地
形容词多层的; 多样的; 多股的
multiply 同义词
multiply 反义词
multiply 相关例句
1. When animals have more food, they generally multiply faster.
2. multiply的意思
2. Four multiplied by five is twenty.
3. Such examples could be multiplied indefinitely.
1. As we climbed up the mountain, the dangers and difficulties multiplied.
2. multiply的翻译
2. He learned to multiply at the age of five.
multiply 网络解释
1. multiply的反义词
1. 乘DMAP语言特点如下:加(ADD),减(SUBTRACT),乘(MULTIPLY)和转置(TRABNSPOSE)机器、建筑物、航天航空飞行器、船舶、汽车等的实际振动千姿百态、瞬息变化. 模态分析提供了研究各种实际结构振动的一条有效途径. ,将结构物在静止状态下进行人为激振,
2. 增加RA: 我是Ra, 当光被注入到你标示的位置零, 它来到一个转折点, 这个点的作用是压缩光 使它的一致性(coherence)与构造(organization)极度地增加(multiply).发问者: 那么这个一致性与构造是否在第二螺旋的开始再度呈倍数增加?
3. 正片迭底选择度量工具点击并拖出一条直线,按住Alt键从第一条线的节点上再拖出第二条直线,这样两条线间的夹角和线的长度都显示在N=正常 (Normal)I=溶解 (Dissolve)M=正片迭底 (Multiply)S=屏幕 (Screen)O=迭加 (Overlay)F=
multiply 双语例句
1. multiply
1. Including the one you likely already have in your pocket.
可接近有一年的时间能使你发送内容给multiply 抱歉,今天时间有限,先翻译到这
2. multiply在线翻译
2. The final render is 3636 x 2772 and it took about 15 hours on a Quad Pentium. I then made an Ambient Occlusion pass and added it within Photoshop. I duplicated it in two different layers, setting one `Multiply` and the other `Overlay`, I tweaked those layer`s transparency then enhanced the contrast and the color gamma till I was happy with the final result.
最终的渲染大小是3636 x 2772,用四块Pentium的CPU花了共15个小时来渲染,接着创建了Ambient Occlusion通道,把这个结果导入到Photoshop,复制这个图层,分别设置图层混合模式为正片叠底和叠加,调节这些图层的不透明度、对比度还有颜色伽马直至满意为止。
3. In fact, by diverting the attention you push the negativity deep into the unconscious, and there you continue to generate and multiply the same defilement.
4. Actually, by diverting the attention, one pushes the negativity deep into the unconscious, and on this level one continues to generate and multiply the same defilements.
5. Software Description: About Matrix Calculator, Operations include transpose, invert, scale, compute determinant and trace, adjoint, multiply, add and subtract.
Matrix Calculator 包括转置矩阵、转换、比例、决定因素和描述估计、伴随矩阵、增值、加和减运算操作。
6. Yanshan's that street room, the back wall on the pedal on the stone steps, is lower than front wall one ten feet of two ten feets, even did not have the wall, the gate is inlays on the cliff chisels the hole to occupy, that iron claw grass, crawls the wall cane to multiply on the reason gate brain, is similar to a decorative carving.
7. Available features: Auto-Trim, Crop, Deskew, Flip, Mirror, Resample, Resize, Rotate, Shear, Add Noise, Anti-Alias, Average, Bending, Border Remove, Brightness, Buttonize, Color Resolution, Colored Gray, Contour, Contrast, Cylindrical, Despeckle, Dilate, Dot Remove, DPI Resolution, Edge Detector, Emboss, Erode, Etch, Gamma Correct, Gaussian Blur, Glow, Gradient, Grayscale, Half-Tone, HistoContrast, Hole Punch Remove, Hue, Impressionist, Intensity Detect, Invert, Invert Text, Laplacian, Line Remove, Line Segment, Max Filter, Median, Min Filter, Mosaic, Motion Blur, Multiply, Oilify, Old Photo, Pixelate, Polar, Posterize, Prewitt, Punch, Radial Wave, Ripple, Saturation, Sharpen, Smooth, Sobel, Solarize, Swirl, Unsharp, Wave, and more!
可用的功能自动修剪,作物,deskew ,倒装,是一面镜子,重新取样,大小,旋转,剪切,添加噪音,抗混叠,平均而言,弯曲,边界消除,亮度,buttonize ,色彩解析度,色灰,轮廓,对比度,圆筒形,despeckle ,扩张,点删除,dpi解析度,边缘检测,emboss ,侵蚀,腐蚀,Gamma修正,高斯模糊,辉光,梯度,灰阶,半色调,histocontrast ,孔冲床删除,色调,印象派,强度检测,反转,反转文本,拉普拉斯,删除线,线段,最高过滤器,中位数,闵过滤器,马赛克,运动模糊,乘,oilify ,旧照片,pixelate ,极地,posterize ,prewitt ,冲床,径向波,涟漪,饱和度,锐化,平滑,索贝尔,曝光,漩涡,锐化,波浪,及其他更多功能!
8. Multiply by a thing to visit heart, what origin?
9. Let's say you want to multiply two polynomials together.
10. Between you and me I will establish my covenant, and I will multiply you exceedingly.
11. multiply
11. If we multiply that fraction by 1030, we can see the value of
如果我们将这个分数乘 1030,我们可以看到的30位十进制有效数字
12. In the chapters from third to fifth, we propose an analytical method to calculate the elasticdeformation in the multiply twinned clusters and nanorods.
13. I will multiply his descendants; he shall be father of twelve princes, and I will raise a great nation from him.
14. multiply
14. I will multiply his descendants; he shall be father of twelve princes, and I will raise a great nation from him
15. Because a plenty of wastewater inpour into water directly, nitrogen and phosphorus accumulate incessantly in water, and a few of algal and hydrobios multiply excessively.
16. multiply
16. Unripe nog of ground of big Xie La is well-balanced, the errant bud that blade notch is in is easy air plant, blossom new individual plant, this kind of unique multiply kind, often arouse the interest of people.
17. This paper firstly analyzes the exist questions of the ESP SCADA system, such as limited application range, low reliability, without standard interface and couldn`t integrate with DCS system. Then, this paper raises the solution of developing the embedded multiply Port Modbus Server, and expoundes the necessity and feasibility from three points of view which are technology originality, technology maturity and the comparison domestic and international.
18. multiply什么意思
18. Finally, explains briefly the following task. Embedded Multiply Port Modbus Server acts as the middle tier business platform—could supervisory and control the various types of field control devices through 8 RS422/RS485 buses, provide standard Modbus protocol based on TCP/IP, accomplishes the ESP SCADA system with remote control and independent of distance. At the same time, acts as the agency of field control level and DCS system, makes the various types of field control devices integrate with DCS system through standard industrial protocol. So, eMPMS extends the application range and flexibility of the ESP SCADA system, accelerate the efficiency of the ESP system, and plays a positive role in environment protection and the decrease of power plant`s dust emission.
19. The concentration of the green algae is too thick. I use the insolated water to dilute it, but it is a little green, maybe the multiply of insolating is not enough.
20. The imbalance caused by multiply of epiphyte on facial skin is different from that on hands or feet that is due to the cutin accumulates and facial skin thicken.
multiply 词典解释
1. (使)成倍地增加;(使)大量地增加
When something multiplies or when you multiply it, it increases greatly in number or amount.
e.g. Such disputes multiplied in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries...
e.g. Her husband multiplied his demands on her time.
2. 繁殖;滋生
When animals and insects multiply, they increase in number by giving birth to large numbers of young.
e.g. These creatures can multiply quickly.
3. 乘;使相乘
If you multiply one number by another, you add the first number to itself as many times as is indicated by the second number. For example 2 multiplied by 3 is equal to 6.
e.g. What do you get if you multiply six by nine?
e.g. ...the remarkable ability to multiply huge numbers correctly without pen or paper.
multiply 单语例句
1. In a city where skyscrapers multiply as if they were created by a computer game, the company is looking into residential and warehouse space.
2. Concerted fiscal action by major economies will multiply the positive policy effects.
3. With the heat of summer approaching, the health risks could multiply.
4. The looming impact of worsening city traffic and measures to counter this, hang low and heavy over domestic carmakers vying with each other to multiply capacity.
5. Initial public investments even in small amounts can leverage private funds in demonstration projects on a larger scale and thus multiply social gains.
6. Help will surely multiply in her life if she learns to recognize every bit of kindness.
7. " The spending will multiply if you take the treatment of water pollution into consideration, " Liao said.
8. Fish also symbolize harmony, marital happiness and reproduction because they multiply rapidly and sometimes swim in pairs.
9. They were told how their profits would multiply in direct proportion to the number of recruits they brought in.
10. Turkey plans to multiply its railroad projects with China and welcomes more inbound Chinese investment, the country's ambassador has said.
multiply 英英释义
1. have offspring or produce more individuals of a given animal or plant
e.g. The Bible tells people to procreate
Synonym: reproduceprocreate
2. have young (animals) or reproduce (organisms)
e.g. pandas rarely breed in captivity
These bacteria reproduce
Synonym: breed
3. combine or increase by multiplication
e.g. He managed to multiply his profits
Synonym: manifold
4. combine by multiplication
e.g. multiply 10 by 15
1. in several ways
in a multiple manner
e.g. they were multiply checked for errors
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