过去式envisioned; 过去分词envisioned;
envision 基本解释
envision 网络解释
1. 拟想(未来)envisage 想像,设想 | envision 拟想(未来) | envoy 使者
2. 想象tuck 弓身向前的姿式 | envision 想象 | excruciatingly 极度地
3. envision
3. 想像,拟想envisage 想像,视,预见 | envision 想像,拟想 | envy 羡慕,嫉妒
envision 双语例句
1. We envision a type, or we pursue an idea of how we see ourselves or want to be seen.
2. Our everyday experience with this kind of situation allows us to envision a complex distribution of disturbances.
3. Imagine that you can envision clearly that which you wish to manifest, and it takes only a little time and effort for your visions to become reality.
4. The software also interfaces with the Hyatt's centralized Envision property management server.
5. Immunohistochemical stainings for these tissues were processed by EnVision's methods. The first antibodies were P504S for prostate carcinoma, P63 for benign prostate hyperplasia, CD10 for proliferative breast disease, and Ki-67 for cunnus epithelial tissue infected by human papilloma virus.
6. If these struggles coalesce, their ability to envision and fight for human need-based forms of regional development will be greatly strengthened.
7. envision是什么意思
7. Can you envision the consequences of climate warming in 50 years?
8. Opting in and out is much easier with RSS; it's difficult to envision spam in an RSS world.
选择和退出是非常容易使用RSS ,它很难设想中的垃圾网站的RSS的世界。
9. Imagination is not only the uniquely human capacity to envision that which is not, and therefore the fount of all invention and innovation.
10. The antibodies were purified and the purity and specificity were identified by SDS-PAGE and Western-blot, respectively. Lung tissues from five pigs with PRRS were tested with the established method, which clearly demonstrated the abundant presence of viral antigens in the cytoplasm of alveolar macrophages, and to less extent in alveolar and bronchiole epithelial cells.
SDS-PAGE和Western-blotting检测结果表明,制得的兔抗PRRSV IgG纯度较高,具有良好的特异性,可用于原位检测病猪肺组织中PRRSV抗原的分布;Envision法的检测结果显示,PRRSV抗原的阳性表达产物主要出现在肺巨噬细胞胞浆内,为肺泡上皮细胞和细支气管黏膜上皮细胞;通过对5份经RT-PCR检测确认的PRRS病猪肺组织进行检测,均有较高的阳性细胞表达,平均阳性细胞率为46.5%。
11. With the point of architectural acceptance, this article starts from the process of cognizing architectural works, studies the psychological basis that engender filling the blank, finds out that filling the blank with reappearance, envision and creation exist in the process by analyzing some typical works, which is featured with subjectivity, definitude and interval.
12. Methods Galectin -3 was ditected by envision system in 80 cases of renal cell carcinoma.
13. I cannot envision any circumstances in which I'll ever have the opportunity to have sex again.
14. FJ: Do you envision the possibility of the convergence of computation, data storage and communication nowadays?
15. What I envision is that you could go to the doctor...
16. envision
16. You envision something, and you go after it.
17. What I envision is that you could go to the tor...
18. What do you envision about the future of Web Services?
19. However, as Dennett, Minsky, and Brooks envision it, the dumb agents in a complex organization are always both competing and cooperating for resources and recognition.
20. It's like trying to envision how did people do mechanics before Newton.
envision 词典解释
1. 设想;想象;预想
If you envision something, you envisage it.
e.g. In the future we envision a federation of companies...
e.g. Most people do stop at this point, not envisioning that there is anything beyond.
envision 单语例句envision的解释
1. I then close my eyes and envision a juicy, fresh stick of green celery repeating the word.
2. Most people envision a maze of factories, constantly churning out the cheap goods we all know and love.
3. It also shows they are willing to look beyond their differences and envision a larger picture where their major concerns and interests converge.
4. In your mind's eye, envision your world filled with love and light.
5. The truth of China's integration and lessons it may equivocate are less mutually exclusive than many superficially envision.
6. His efforts have won praise from action star Donnie Yen, who told Sina that he could envision Huang becoming " the next king of kungfu ".
7. But one thing she apparently didn't envision is the puzzlement, laughter and even nervousness that have greeted her book.
8. Ogilvy could almost envision the huge crowd at Winged Foot cheering in delight for the obvious fan favorite.
9. But Tindale warns the changes those executives and the prime minister envision are not likely to be accepted by other European leaders.
10. Most state programs are just a few years old or still in the test stages, but officials envision huge gains.
envisionenvision 英英释义
1. imagine
conceive of
see in one's mind
e.g. I can't see him on horseback!
I can see what will happen
I can see a risk in this strategy
Synonym: visualizevisualiseprojectfancyseefigurepictureimage
2. picture to oneself
imagine possible
e.g. I cannot envision him as President
Synonym: foresee
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