teddy bear的意思、解释
复数形式teddy bears;
teddy bear 基本解释
teddy bear的意思
teddy bear的翻译
teddy bear 网络解释
1. teddy bear的解释
1. 泰迪小熊1.投资1亿港元、以泰迪小熊(Teddy Bear)为主题的全球首个室内主题公园,在香港著名的旅游景点尖沙咀正式开幕.
teddy bear 双语例句
1. It landed on the teddy bear`s little nose and then was followed by many more.
2. Last but not the least, the little Teddy Bear`s company has been the most important and perpectual existence.
3. Clear crystal teddy bear mini pendant on brown cotton cord rhodium-plated lobster clasp closure and extender chain.
4. The label's uniqueness may also come in the form of its creative directors who, since the company was founded, have always been sibling pairs: Miki and Christine Tanabe, succeeded by Dean and Dan Caten who later formed DSquared2, and now Tia and Fiona Cibani, creators of Port's most indulgent iconic item, the Jet Set Kit, a portable collection of 11 items including a cashmere hoodie, a multi-use alpaca tube scarf, a cashmere and leather teddy bear, brushed cotton robe, silk slippers and eye mask, cashmere neck pillow, waterproof canvas and leather washbags and a garment bag made out of the same chocolate-coloured Loro Piana storm system canvas carry-all into which the whole lot gets packed.
宝姿的独特之处还可能在于其设计师的构成,自该公司创建以来,其设计师总是一对兄弟或姊妹米基和克里斯蒂娜·塔纳贝,接着是迪安和丹·卡腾(两兄弟后来创建了时装品牌DSquared2),以及如今的蒂亚和菲奥娜·思班尼。蒂亚两姐妹设计了宝姿内容最全面的标志性套件Jet Set Kit,这套由11件物品组成的便携系列包括一件羊绒毛衣、一条多用羊驼绒围巾、一只羊绒及皮革面料的泰迪熊、棉绒睡袍、丝制拖鞋和眼罩、羊绒颈垫、防水帆布及皮革面料的洗衣袋、一个西装袋、以及同为巧克力色的Loro Piana防水帆布面料旅行手提袋,可以将所有物品装在里面。
5. teddy bear的翻译
5. If you hear a rattle in the background, that's my teddy bear, Snuggleshoe.
如果您听到手摇铃在背景中,这就是我的泰迪熊,snuggleshoe 。
6. In her hand she holds one of the last remains of civilisation, a brown teddy bear.
7. Her sister and brother give her a brown teddy bear.
8. The Fujitsu Teddy Bear Robot has much more than that, as it has 13 sensors all over its body.
9. A video with the songs: jailhouse rock, teddy bear, hound dog, don't be cruel, suspicious minds and i can't help falling in love with you..
and pictures for each song 视频与歌曲监狱的岩石,泰迪熊,猎犬的狗,不要被残忍,可疑的头脑,我不能帮助堕入爱河与你。。。和图片为每首歌曲
10. I go back to sleep in her soft warm embrace, clutched by her like a teddy bear.
11. For many that friend came in the form of a Teddy Bear.
12. I throwed out my shoulder but I won her that teddy bear.
13. teddy bear的解释
13. One is never too old to love a stuffed Teddy Bear!
14. Jo was chastising his teddy bear in the living room.
15. Lisa:Look, here is a Teddy Bear for you.
16. teddy bear
16. Come over here, you old teddy bear.
17. Well if you liked the substitution idea, then here`s a teddy bear which would exactly do this.
18. I'm still here with my little teddy bear, Tabitha bear.
19. Say hello to Teddy Bear!
20. teddy bear
20. Say hello to teddy bear!
teddy bear 单语例句teddy bear在线翻译
1. I found some Mickey Mouse cookie cutters, and also used my traditional gingerbread man and teddy bear cutters.
2. Martin community found a stranger snoozing on their couch and cuddling a teddy bear late Saturday.
3. A teddy bear and flowers are seen in front of the representative office of North Ossetia in Moscow.
4. The British teacher jailed in Sudan for letting her students name a teddy bear Mohammad won a pardon yesterday and was released into British care.
5. A woman who secretly bugged her husband using her daughter's teddy bear has failed to prove that he is an unfit father.
6. The film centers on a boy whose Christmas wish comes true after his teddy bear comes to life.
7. Also in Waterbury is a store operated by the Vermont Teddy Bear Company.
8. She says having a teddy bear shop is a dream come true.
9. She now instead demonstrates poses with a teddy bear that informs the mothers while entertaining the infants.
10. Ma Wendi is used to curious glances when she walks six teddy bear dogs at the same time.
teddy bear什么意思teddy bear 英英释义
1. plaything consisting of a child's toy bear (usually plush and stuffed with soft materials)
Synonym: teddy
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