Hello! Everybody!
It is my honor to introduce myself to all of you.
And now,I stand here with lots of couragement from you all.
My classmates and my teachers encouraged me a lot though I am not the best one in my class.
Here, I am full of confidence.
You know I am shy in some degree .
But I am a energetic man.I have my own dream.Poverty is spreading rapidly in most part of the world.The poor is trapped in a vicious circle.
The lack of education add the poor area.s
So what I desire is give more education to the disadvantaged .
And now,broaden my eyes and enhance my ability is my task.
I will contribute my all for it.
Everyday,it makes me feel closer to my goal.
I can because I think I can.
Well,more youth aim to it is what I hope most .
My own ability is limited.
Great things may be done by mass effort.
I am fighting for my dream!
That's all.
Thank you.
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