
生活常识 2023-04-21 11:59生活常识www.wozhengxing.cn

  相关词条 +oil prospectors

  1 . 石油勘探者

  he later took advantage of his unwanted fame and fronted a campaign to save Ashdown Forest from the ravages of oil prospectors .后来他利用这自己不想要的声名领导了一场运动,以拯救艾士宕森林,使它不受石油勘探者的破坏。

  +successful prospectors

  1 . 成功的客户开发者

  successful prospectors understand that the purpose of a call is to set an appointment with a qualified candidate .成功的客户开发者明白打电话的目的是约见有资质的人。

  +prospector and

  1 . 勘探者和

  An aleatory contract between an oil prospector and a landowner ., 石油勘探者和地产所有者之间的一项盈亏未定的合约.

  +seismic prospector

  1 . 地震预报仪

  seismic intensity scale 地震强度计seismic prospector 地震预报仪seismic record viewer 地震记录观测仪

  2 . 地震预告仪

  seismic intensity scale 地震强度计seismic prospector 地震预告仪seismic record viewer 地震记录不都雅察仪

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