生活常识 2023-04-21 19:43生活常识
相关词条 +Cambodia Army
1 . 柬埔寨陆军
Cambodia Army officials said the two sides tried to negotiate a cease-fire , negotiations are under way .柬埔寨陆军官员称,双方试图通过谈判实现停火,相关谈判正在进行之中。
+and Cambodia
1 . 和柬埔寨
East Timor , Bosnia and Cambodia are grateful for the help in stopping the bloodshed., 东帝汶 , 波斯尼亚和柬埔寨都非常感激和平部队协助他们停止国内的血腥冲突.
+Cambodia and
1 . 柬埔寨和
The border standoff between Cambodia and Thailand remains tense ahead of high - level talks on Monday ., 在柬埔寨和泰国星期一举行高层会谈之前 , 两国边界的僵持局势仍然很紧张.
+Angkor, Cambodia
1 . 柬埔寨的吴哥窟
angkor, cambodia的中文意思:柬埔寨的吴哥窟...,点击查查权威在线词典详细解释angkor, cambodia的中文翻译,angkor, cambodia的真人发音,用法和例句等。