劳荣枝案件详细经过(身负7条人命逃亡20年) 逃亡20年的“女魔头”劳荣枝终于被宣判死刑了。背负了7条人命的她,凭什么还敢在庭上喊“不服”? 1.死刑 前几天,备受关注的劳荣枝涉嫌故意杀人、抢劫、绑架案公开开庭。 The public hearing of Lau Rongzhi’s case of voluntary manslaughter, robbery and kidnapping was held a few days ago. public hearing 公开审理voluntary manslaughter 故意杀人manslaughter /mnslt(r)/ n. 杀人罪robbery /rbri/ 抢劫kidnapping /kdnp/ n.绑架 庭审现场,劳荣枝的白T恤衫写着一句英文“This fall, you harvest what?” harvest /hɑvst/ v. n. 收获fall /fl/ n. 秋天 What did you harvest in this fall? 这个秋天你收获了什么? 答案就是这个秋天,她收获了死刑! She received death penalty in this fall.
听到审判长的宣判时,劳荣枝突然崩溃痛哭,当庭表示不服,要上诉。 She burst into tears when hearing the verdict, refused to accept it and decided to appeal. verdict /vdkt/ n. 裁决appeal /pil/ v. 上诉 2.受害者
她拼命找借口说所有的人都是男友法子英杀的,她也是受害者,一直被法子英家暴和威胁。 victim /vktm/ n. 受害者domestic violence 家暴threat n. 威胁 Do you think she is a victim of domestic violence and threat? 你觉得她是家暴和威胁的受害者吗?
甚至装傻演戏说自己从未参与过杀人。 play dumb 装傻 She played dumb in the court but no one believed her. 她在庭上装傻,没有人相信她。
结果公诉人当场列举劳荣枝残忍的作案手段,直接驳斥了她苍白无力的借口。 public prosecutor 公诉人brutal /brutl/ adj. 残忍的excuse /kskjus/ n. 借口 The public prosecutor was able to establish beyond reasonable doubt that the woman had been lying. 公诉人确切无疑地证实这个女人一直在撒谎。 She committed several brutal murders. 她犯下了好几起残忍的谋杀。 There is no excuse for killing people. 任何借口都不能杀人。 3.逃亡
在这逃亡的20年里,劳荣枝化名“雪莉”,找了新男友,学习绘画和钢琴,还养了两条狗。 During her escape, she changed her name and found a new boyfriend. escape /skep/ n. 逃跑
而被她杀害的木匠陆中明的妻子朱大红,丈夫去世时三个孩子尚未成年。 carpenter /kɑpnt(r)/ n. 木匠under age adj. 未成年的 The carpenter had three under age children when he was killed. 木匠被害的时候有三个未成年的孩子。
她靠种地和打零工独自一人将孩子们抚养长大,至今没有收到任何赔偿。 temporary jobs 打零工raise /rez/ v. 抚养compensation /kmpensen/ n. 赔偿 She made money by some temporary jobs to raise her children. 她靠打零工挣钱养孩子。 She did not receive any compensation after her husband was killed. 丈夫被杀后她没有收到一点赔偿。 小C寄语 朱大红曾在庭上哭着质问劳荣枝“你的心是肉长的吗?”可即使如今亲耳听到劳荣枝死刑的消息,她破碎的家庭,承受的苦难却是无论如何都无法补偿的。
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