相关词条 +political disaffection
1 . 政治不满
the chinese have good reason for political disaffection : corruption is rife , freedom is limited and democracy is denied .中国人完全有理由对政治不满贪污腐败横行、自由民主受控。
+disaffected voters
1 . 中间选民
allegatio of corruption agar t Mr Chen and first lady Wu Shu-chen were also causing many disaffected voters to tilt towards the Kuomintang .对陈水扁和第一夫人吴淑珍的贪污指控令很多中间选民倾向国民党。
+disadvantageously disaffected
1 . 不满 不忠 离心
disadvantageousdisadvantageously disaffected 不满不忠离心disaffection disagree 异意异议异见不符不合分岔分歧不同意不一致.
+disaffection degree
1 . 满意的程度
it also looks at customers' satisfaction and disaffection degree over the City's infrastructure , price and service .它也分析了顾客对城市基础设施、价格和服务的满意和不满意的程度。