
生活常识 2023-04-22 16:48生活常识www.wozhengxing.cn

  相关词条 +life before the lobotomy

  1 . 洗脑之前的生活

  ...now live in the underground 现在已长眠于地下life before the lobotomy 洗脑之前的生活christine sang the eulogy 信徒唱着颂歌

  +prefrontal lobotomy

  1 . 额叶前部切除术

  prefrontal lobe 前额叶prefrontal lobotomy 额叶前部切除术preganglionic fibre 节前纤维

  2 . 前额叶切断术

  precocious puberty 性早熟prefrontal lobotomy 前额叶切断术presacral neurectomy 骶前神经切除术

  +frontal lobotomy

  1 . 额叶白质切断术

  frontal lobe syndrome 额叶损害综合征frontal lobotomy 额叶白质切断术FRS (精神分裂症)一级症状

  +Performed lobotomies with telekinetic psychology

  1 . 用心灵力量消除了记忆

  Performed lobotomies with telekinetic psychology 用心灵力量消除了记忆Invented the mic 自从发明了麦克风 So I could start blessing it 我便可以开始祈福.

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