
生活常识 2023-04-22 08:30生活常识



  callus 基本解释

  名词老茧,假骨质; 愈合组织



  callus 网络解释

  1. 骨痂6)骨折的愈合:骨折愈合是一个连续的过程,其基本过程是先形成肉芽组织,再由成骨细胞在肉芽组织上产生新骨称为骨痂(callus)依靠骨痂使骨折断端连接并固定.

  2. callus

  2. 胼胝2.胼胝(Callus)为蜡黄色,扁平或隆起的限局性角化增厚. 质坚硬,表面皮纹清晰可见,局部汗液分泌减少,感觉迟钟,可有轻度压痛. 好发于掌跖,与职业有关者也可见于其他受压部位.

  3. 愈伤组织愈伤组织及其形成 愈伤组织(callus)原指植物体的局部受到创伤刺激后,在伤口表面新生的组织. 它由活的薄壁细胞组成,可起源于植物体任何器官内各种组织的活细胞. 在植物体的创伤部分,愈伤组织可帮助伤口愈合;在嫁接中,

  4. callus的意思

  4. 愈合组织我们利用现有的酸味种及甜味种各l0株,以环状剥皮的方法再以水苔包裹,外包塑料布,上下敷紧,进行试验,结果显示酸味种经压条处理后1个月即有80%生根率,而甜味种经3个月试验期则仅出现愈合组织(Callus)并无根发生.

  callus 双语例句

  1. CR has some value to the diagnosis of vertebral fracture and the healing process of rabbit by analyzing density of the callus. The signal intensity of MRI could reflect the pathology of vertebral fracture of rabbit to some extent.


  2. The traits of dedifferentiation and redifferentiation of the explants form H. sampsonii show that the calli the stem and leaf usually form buds at its parietal cells. In the presence of auxin, the parenchyma of the leaf gap at the node is initiated firstly, then, develops blastemata that form buds in a cluster on the node without callus. These show that the various parts ofthe herb differ greatly in cell initiation and organ differentiation.


  3. callus的意思

  3. Obvious changes were observed in ultrastructure during cell changes and callus formation.


  4. The results of the physiological and biochemical indexes in callus tissue of Poncirus trifoliata tested under calcium carbonate(CaCO3) stress indicated that except total iron content, the negative correlations among CaCO3 concentration and peroxidase activity, superoxide dismutase activity, catalase activity, active iron content, soluble protein content and callus growth were recorded.

  提要测定碳酸钙(CaCO3)胁迫下枳壳愈伤组织的某些生理生化指标的结果表明除全 Fe 含量外,CaCO3浓度与过氧化物酶活性、超氧化物歧化酶活性、过氧化氢酶活性、活性Fe含量、可溶性蛋白质含量、愈伤组织增重均呈显著或极显著负相关,与培养液pH值呈显著正相关;随着培养的进程,POD活性、活性Fe和可溶性蛋白质含量、愈伤组织增重呈降低趋势,SOD和CAT活性先升后降,含高浓度CaCO3的培养液 pH值仅在20日左右略有降低。

  5. If the ratio or the concentration of 2, 4-D was higher, the callus formed quickly, but it was hygrophanous, and easy to necrosis, conversely, if the ratio or the concentration of 2, 4-D was lower, the callus appeared very slowly or could not form, and adventitious root formed directly or indirectly.


  6. The frequency of callus induction was above 95%.


  7. Callus of different cultivars were different in quality and quantity.


  8. In order to improve its germination rate and effects of callus.


  9. By subsitituting Picloram for 2, 4-D in callus induction and callus maintenance culture of five rice cultivars namely Zhonghua 11, Nipponbare, Zhenshan 97B, Mianhui 725, Zhong413, it was found that Picloram was better than 2, 4-D in callus induction from mature seeds.


  10. Studies showed that the Giemsa-C banding patterns of Ae. tauschii- H. vulgare amphidiploid is much in accord with that of its two parents, and this further proved that the regenerated plants from embryo callus of hybrids between Ae. tauschii and H. vulgare (2n=28) were spontaneously chromosal doubling amphidiploid.


  11. DNT must always be removed from intramedullary canal of bone because there is a possibility of interference with callus formation.


  12. Effects of different growth regulators combination on callus inducement, proliferation and differentiation were studied with rhizomes of Alocasia macrorrhiza as explants.


  13. callus什么意思

  13. The result indicated, In the MS culture medium, and the damagement increased with Pb(superscript 2+) concentrition, when Pb(superscript 2+) concentration was up to 1000μmol/L, the callus was geatly damaged and its character is small, hard, skin drying; Organic acid of suitable concentration was able to improve the induction and growth of rice callus under the Pb(superscript 2+) stress, i. e. ascorbic acid, critic acid and oxalic acid The effect was the best which added 750 mol/L citric acid in MS culture medium, the callus was fresh, light yellow, loose, the surface moist. and survival was as higher as controlled treatment.

  而添加不同有机酸(抗坏血酸、柠檬酸和草酸)均可明显改善Pb(上标 2+)胁迫下愈伤组织的生长,尤以750μmol/L柠檬酸对Pb(上标 2+)毒害的缓解效果最佳,其愈伤组织块颜色浅黄,表面湿润,愈伤组织成活率高,与对照愈伤组形态较接近。

  14. After 2~4 weeks, the amounts of the osteoblast and chondroblast in medullary callus in SMC group were more than group of CP, IN.


  15. callus的翻译

  15. In control group, lengthened center had a serial callus and cortex had no formed, in experimental group, lengthened center had serial cortex and transfixial medullary cavity expect serial callus.


  16. Result The X-ray showed lengthened callus was different after operation. In the control group, lengthened center had a serial callus and cortex had not formed, in the experimental group lengthened center had serial cortex and ttransfixial medullary cavity expects serial callus.


  17. Content of flavone is the hightest in browning callus. It is supposed, that suppose which the last pace of synthesize flavone is in brovwing callus. SDS-PAGE cataphoresis electrophoresis show protein has big change from differentiating callus to browning callus. The change may has relation with change of enzymire activiation of control flavone synthesize.

  黄酮含量的变化以褐化愈伤组织中含量最高,我们推测黄酮合成的几步,可能发生在褐化愈伤组织中,从可溶性蛋白质的 SDS-PAGE 平板电泳结果表明,分化愈伤组织与褐化愈伤组织相比蛋白质谱带发生了明显的变化,这可能与控制黄酮合成的有关酶的活性变化有关。

  18. callus的解释

  18. Two peanuts varieties, Fenghua 1 and Fenghua 2, are chesed for the test. The results are as follows: When the concentration of kanamycin is 400mg/L, or neomycin is 500mg/L, or G418 is 25 mg/L, shoots have great difficulty to grow up and the color of them become yellow or brown. When the concentration of kanamycin is 100mg/l, or neomycin is 300mg/l, or G418 is 10mg/l, young leaves can't difierentiate to callus.


  19. callus的翻译

  19. The effects of IBA and ABT No.2 plant growth regulators on the callus growth and rooting of Schefflera bodinieri were studied by taking the branches as cuttings, perlite and peat as substrates for the cuttage.

  以短序鹅掌柴的枝条为扦插材料,以珍珠岩和泥炭为基质,分别用200 mg/L的IBA和200 mg/L ABT2号生根粉溶液处理插条后扦插,研究IBA和ABT2号对短序鹅掌柴扦插繁殖的影响。


  20. Histological study showed that the adventitiousshoots were from parenchyma cells of leaf callus. Effects of phytohormone concentration, dark treatment, position of leaves on apple plant, placement method of leaves in medium onadventitious shoot regeneration of Senshu were studied.


  callus 词典解释

  1. 胼胝;老茧;硬结

  A callus is an unwanted area of thick skin, usually on the palms of your hands or the soles of your feet, which has been caused by something rubbing against it.

  callus 单语例句

  1. He now donates blood so frequently that a thick callus has appeared on his arm where the needle is inserted.

  callus 英英释义


  1. (botany) an isolated thickening of tissue, especially a stiff protuberance on the lip of an orchid

  2. bony tissue formed during the healing of a fractured bone

  3. an area of skin that is thick or hard from continual pressure or friction (as the sole of the foot)

  Synonym: callosity


  1. form a callus or calluses

  e.g. His foot callused

  2. cause a callus to form on

  e.g. The long march had callused his feet

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