
生活常识 2023-04-22 10:56生活常识www.wozhengxing.cn



  nothing 基本解释


  代词没有东西; 没有事情; 无关紧要的东西; 毫无趣味的事

  名词无; 无关紧要的人[事]; 零

  副词毫不; 决不

  nothing 同义词


  nothing 反义词



  nothing 相关词组

  1. have nothing in one : 不足道, 不出众;

  2. like nothing on earth : 世间稀有的, 珍奇的;

  3. to say nothing of : 更不用说;

  4. come to nothing : 终未实现;

  5. have nothing to do with : 与...无关;

  6. no nothing : 什么也没有;

  7. nothing if not : 极其;

  8. nothing much : 很少;

  9. make nothing of : 弄不懂, 不以...为意;

  10. be nothing to : 对...无足轻重, 不能与...相比;

  11. think nothing of : 把...看得很平常;

  12. all to nothing : 百分之百的;

  13. nothing like : 没有什么能比得上..., 没有比...更好的了, 远非;

  14. for nothing : 免费;

  15. leave nothing to be desired : 完美无缺;

  nothing 相关例句


  1. Your approach to teaching differs nothing from hers.



  1. There is nothing in it.



  1. He knew absolutely nothing.



  1. nothing什么意思

  1. His latest play is nothing.


  2. The man is a nothing.


  nothing 情景对话


  AWhat can I do for you?


  BIs this where I claim parcels?


  ANo, please go to window thirty-six.


  BThanks a lot.


  AThats nothing at all.


  No and Not-(不是和不)


  AHi, Mary. Howve things been?


  BI havent heard anything about your English investigation for weeks.Whatre you studying now?

  我有好几个星期没听到有关你研究英语的情况了。 你正在学习什么?

  ANow its negative-noandnot, to be specific. Theres nothing particularily unusual about noandnot, is there?


  BNot a lot, really.


  AThe main thing seems to be that not is used with verbs, and no everywhere else.


  Joes Date-(乔的约会)

  AAnd then we went to a dance after dinner, and after the third dance she tells me that shes practically engaged to some G.I. whos overseas.




  AWhat do you mean by so? You dont accept dates if youre practically engaged.


  BWhy not? You only asked her for a date, not for her hand in marriage.Theres nothing wrong in going out with a friend from the office.



  AI know, but it makes me mad.


  BTheyre all engaged, and they never tell you before you ask them out.


  nothing 网络解释

  1. 没什么威尔去远方寻找答案. 他不明白自己的老婆为什麼要跟自己最好的朋友做爱,既然不明白他就逃去他方找答案,他流浪了许多地方认识了很多女人,但没有一个成为女友. ,他写了一部名叫(Nothing)的小说送给玛莉,在他结束自己的失踪后.

  nothing 双语例句

  1. You smiled and talked to me with nothing, but i felt for this i had been waiting long.



  2. Confronting the sharp competition, they have nothing at all to win it.


  3. He knows nothing of the nature of my work.


  4. Before you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone who has nothing to eat.



  5. Peter: He tells me that nothing is serious and I'll recover soon.


  6. nothing的意思

  6. I can't speak English, to say nothing of Chinese.


  7. I can`t speak, to say nothing of Chinese.


  8. He can speak English, to say nothing of Chinese.


  9. nothing

  9. He didn t at all know what it was, to say nothing of how to do it.


  10. He didnt at all know what it was, to say nothing of how to do it.


  11. You say that you know nothing of what is written in this letter? "


  12. BE seeing recently 《fall to the ground to please to open a cellular phone 》, followed a plot to cry some times ……originally still some things can move me of, originally think oneself already numbness, the other people's affair has nothing to do with me forever, it is an impossible detrition to originally have some hypostatic thing.


  13. I'll warrant nothing will, he said shrewdly.



  14. The point in dispute has nothing to do with politics.


  15. Nothing is as it seems once you knock it down to its atomic core.


  16. nothing的意思

  16. It is increasingly clear that at least one major dairy company, the Sanlu Group, knew about the problem for months, and city officials in the company`s hometown knew about the problem for weeks and did nothing to warn the public or force a widespread recall.


  17. They wanted Jonah to cry out to his God too, but nothing worked.


  18. nothing

  18. He who, without negating it, does nothing for the eternal.


  19. She is negating what he has done. She reacts to him as if he has given nothing? but he has given ten.


  20. I will do nothing to the prejudice of my friend in this matter.


  nothing 词典解释

  1. 没有什么;没有一件(东西);没有一点

  Nothing means not a single thing, or not a single part of something.

  e.g. I've done nothing much since coffee time...


  e.g. Mr Pearson said he knew nothing of his wife's daytime habits...


  2. 无关紧要的事物(或人);微不足道的事物(或人)

  You use nothing to indicate that something or someone is not important or significant.

  e.g. Because he had always had money it meant nothing to him...


  e.g. While the increase in homicides is alarming, it is nothing compared to what is to come in the rest of the decade...


  3. 极低的价格;相当于免费

  If you say that something cost nothing or is worth nothing, you are indicating that it cost or is worth a surprisingly small amount of money.

  e.g. The furniture was threadbare; he'd obviously picked it up for nothing...


  e.g. Homes in this corner of Mantua that once went for $350,000 are now worth nothing.


  4. (用于形容词或带 to 的不定式前表示事物或人不具备所说的性质)没有什么,不是什么

  You use nothing before an adjective or 'to'-infinitive to say that something or someone does not have the quality indicated.

  e.g. Around the lake the countryside generally is nothing special...


  e.g. There was nothing remarkable about him...


  5. (用于 so + 形容词、副词前或比较级前表示强调)没有别的东西,没有别的事情

  You can use nothing before 'so' and an adjective or adverb, or before a comparative, to emphasize how strong or great a particular quality is.

  e.g. Youngsters learn nothing so fast as how to beat the system...


  e.g. I consider nothing more important in my life than songwriting...


  6. 要么彻底干完,要么根本不干

  You can use all or nothing to say that either something must be done fully and completely or else it cannot be done at all.

  e.g. Either he went through with this thing or he did not; it was all or nothing.


  7. (有)比没有好;比没有强

  If you say that something is better than nothing, you mean that it is not what is required, but that it is better to have that thing than to have nothing at all.

  e.g. After all, 15 minutes of exercise is better than nothing.


  8. (用于名词、不带 to 的不定式或 -ing 形式前)只有,仅仅

  You use nothing but in front of a noun, an infinitive without 'to', or an '-ing' form to mean 'only'.

  e.g. All that money brought nothing but sadness and misery and tragedy...


  e.g. It did nothing but make us ridiculous...


  9. 未发生;不成

  You can say 'Nothing doing' when you want to say that something is not happening or cannot be done.

  e.g. Pay now, or nothing doing...


  e.g. 'I could take the subway and have David pick me up at the station.' — 'Nothing doing.'


  10. 别无他法;只此一计

  If you say that there is nothing for it but to take a particular action, you mean that it is the only possible course of action that you can take, even though it might be unpleasant.

  e.g. Much depends on which individual ingredients you choose. There is nothing for it but to taste and to experiment for yourself...


  e.g. He wished he was not in a room so far from the bathroom. There was nothing for it but a long trudge through the house.


  11. 极其;非常

  You use nothing if not in front of an adjective to indicate that someone or something clearly has a lot of the particular quality mentioned.

  e.g. Professor Fish has been nothing if not professional...


  e.g. Hollywood is nothing if not creative, especially if someone else will pick up the bills.


  12. 没什么;小事情

  People sometimes say 'It's nothing' as a polite response after someone has thanked them for something they have done.


  e.g. 'Thank you for the wonderful dinner.' — 'It's nothing,' Sarah said...


  e.g. 'I'll be on my way. I can't thank you enough, Alan.' — 'It was nothing, but take care.'


  13. 不真实;不可信

  If you say about a story or report that there is nothing in it or nothing to it, you mean that it is untrue.


  e.g. It's all rubbish and superstition, and there's nothing in it.


  14. 不费事;轻而易举

  If you say about an activity that there is nothing to it or nothing in it, you mean that it is extremely easy.

  e.g. This device has a gripper that electrically twists off the jar top. Nothing to it...


  e.g. If you've shied away from making pancakes in the past, don't be put off — there's really nothing in it!


  15. (比赛或竞争中)水平不相上下,势均力敌

  If you say about a contest or competition that there is nothing in it, you mean that two or more of the competitors are level and have an equal chance of winning.

  16. (用于强调,表示事情让人吃惊或重要)简直,全然

  You can use nothing less than to emphasize your next words, often indicating that something seems very surprising or important.


  e.g. What he had in mind amounted to nothing less than a total reversal of the traditional role of the executive...


  e.g. You're nothing less than a murderer!


  17. 并非没有道理;事出有因

  If you say that it was not for nothing that something happened, you are emphasizing that there was a very good reason for it to happen.

  e.g. Not for nothing was the plane called 'The widow-maker'...


  e.g. It's not for nothing that interior decorators the world over look to the English country garden for glorious inspiration.


  18. 不付代价的收益;不劳而获

  If you say that someone is getting something for nothing, you disapprove of the fact that they are getting what they want without doing or giving anything in return.


  e.g. What's wrong with you is that you think you can get something for nothing.


  19. 绝对没有;绝无此事

  Nothing of the sort is used when strongly contradicting something that has just been said.

  e.g. 'We're going to talk this over in my office.'—'We're going to do nothing of the sort.'...


  e.g. Mrs Adamson said that she was extremely sorry, in tones that made it clear that she was nothing of the sort.


  20. see also: sweet nothings

  nothing to write home about -> see home

  to say nothing of -> see say

  nothing short of -> see short

  to stop at nothing -> see stop

  to think nothing of -> see think

  nothing 单语例句nothing的反义词

  1. Replacing Daniel Radcliffe is a hard act to follow, but by the looks of these pictures Alfie Allen has nothing to worry about.

  2. There is nothing new about the idea of marriage as a business transaction.

  3. He started calling his insurance company in the early morning, only to hear nothing on the line for hours but a busy signal.

  4. " But then I knew nothing about tourism, " Yang said.

  5. But what's the harm in rescuing an animal if nothing else is going on?

  6. Yet nothing but long cheers rained down from the sellout crowd when Odom and Butler were announced.

  7. Expertly paced trailers released over the past few months revealed nothing, and unannounced screenings in select cities created more buzz.

  8. He emphasized the importance of open minded negotiations over the dispute, saying " nothing will be born if we only act on the basis of principles ".

  9. The attention to details is apparent and Shiny has definitely done nothing by halves.

  10. There's nothing heroic about fighting rape allegations by day and playing basketball by night.

  nothing在线翻译nothing 英英释义


  1. a quantity of no importance

  e.g. it looked like nothing I had ever seen before

  reduced to nil all the work we had done

  we racked up a pathetic goose egg

  it was all for naught

  I didn't hear zilch about it

  Synonym: nilnixnadanullaughtciphercyphergoose eggnaughtzerozilchzipzippo



  1. in no respect

  to no degree

  e.g. he looks nothing like his father

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